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ラッセル関係書籍の検索 ラッセルと20世紀の名文に学ぶ-英文味読の真相39 [佐藤ヒロシ]



* 原著:Who gets our savings? by Bertrand Russell
* Source: Mortals and Others, v.1, 1975


* 改訳及びHTML修正をしました。(2011.1.3)


 1929年10月24日(木)の New York ウォール街の株式市場大暴落に端を発し,1929年から1933年まで,世界中の資本主義国を世界大恐慌 Great Depression が襲いました。ラッセルのこのエッセイ「Who gets or savings 我々の貯金はどこに行く」はその大恐慌のまっただ中に書かれたものです。現在は,70年前とはいろいろ違ってはいますが,最近の世界経済,特に日本経済の落ち込みはひどく,「現代においては経済恐慌は起こりえない」とは断言できない状況にあります。経済恐慌は,ラッセルが言うように,自然現象ではなく,経済システムや人間性の問題であり,より国際的な協調が必要なジャンルです。悪循環に陥いらないよう,冷静な分析をし,適切な対策をし,この逆境からぬけだしたいものです。

During the last two years, in every quarter of the globe, men who had saved money throughout a long and laborious life found themselves suddenly and unexpectedly poor. 'Poor' is, of course, a relative term. I met a business man in California who told me a hard luck story about a friend of his who, after following all the best precepts, was left in his old age with a mere $40,000 a year. To any European this seems like wealth beyond the dreams of avarice, but in California it is considered little removed from beggary.
Whatever may be the standard of life in different parts of the world, all are alike in the fact that almost everybody has become poorer. Wage earners have had their wages cut and investors have found their investments becoming worthless.
Where has all the money gone? When a man picks my pocket, the money goes to him, and I have at least the consolation (or what would be such if I were truly virtuous) of thinking that the pickpocket's children will get a good Christmas dinner. But when a concern in which I have invested goes bankrupt, the money vanishes into thin air, and in many cases no one is the richer. Sometimes, of course, a competitor benefits, but in the majority of cases there is sheer loss without compensating gain to any one.
I spent the summer at a seaside resort where an attempt had been made to enlarge the area of available building land by reclaiming a considerable region from the sea. After some years of work, spring tides proved that the project was not feasible and all the money that had been spent was as completely lost as if it had been thrown into deep water.
This case illustrates, on a small scale, what has been happening throughout the world. Sometimes through one form of folly, sometimes through another, the men who direct the business enterprises of mankind have landed themselves and their followers in disaster. It is odd that, in spite of this, the survivors continue to inspire just as much awe and reverence as before.
Depressions such as the one through which the world is now passing do not have natural causes lying beyond human control. They are the result solely of human stupidity and lack of organisation. One country has too much gold, another has too little.
America lends money to England, England lends it to Germany, Germany becomes nearly bankrupt in the attempt to pay it back in reparations to England and France, who spend it on armaments intended to compel Germany to go on paying. To such a system there is no conclusion except organised slaughter, in which whatever wealth may exist at the beginning will be destroyed.
The causes of our troubles are stupidity and competition, especially competition between nations in the form of war and armaments. It is doubtful whether we shall be able to emerge into real prosperity without a great deal more international economic organisation than we have at present.
Means ought to exist by which investors could obtain impartial and well-informed advice not only as to particular investments but as to general tendencies. As the world grows, more complex and the mechanism of production more difficult to understand, it becomes increasingly difficult for the private citizen to form a sound judgement as to how to get the best return for his money.
Unless some way can be found of avoiding such losses as have occurred during the last two years, the habit of saving will die out and we shall spend all we earn on immediate pleasures. Every one will have a short life and a merry one, but civilisation will go to the wall.