ラッセル英単語熟語-索引 類義語-索引
ラッセルの英語「類義語シリーズ」 lawyer / barrister / solicitor / attorney
【"attorney (正確には attorney at law)":(米国における)弁護士や法定代理人の総称(法廷弁護士と事務弁護士の区別なし)。なお、DA : district attorney は地方検事のこと。」】
(1~4) 用例紹介なし
A lawyer is bound to hold that criminals ought to be punished -- unless they can afford a leading barrister's fee.
[弁護士は 犯罪者が最高(高額の)の弁護料を支払える場合は別として 犯罪者が罰せられるのは当然だと考えるに決まっている。]
The corporation lawyer, the corrupt politician, and the popular psychiatrist are expected to utter moral sentiments with profound earnestness and great frequency, but in return for this hard work, they are allowed a suitable remuneration.
He became a Chancery barrister, and was known in legal circles for his highly erudite edition of Jarman On Wills.
We had obtained from our doctors statements of our recent serious illnesses which they thought would make long imprisonment disastrous. These we handed over to the barrister who was to watch our cases at Bow Street.
At the beginning of the 1914-18 War he was solicitor to the Post Office, but his ardent agreement with the opinions of his wife, who was an Irish Nationalist and imprisoned as a Sinn Feiner, made his position untenable.
[1914~1918年の第一次世界大戦の初期,彼は,郵政省の事務弁護士であったが,妻の意見に熱烈に同意していたために -彼の妻は,アイルランド国家主義者であり,シンフェィン党員(注:アイルランド独立を目的としたシンフェイン党のメンバー)として投獄されていた- 自分の地位を維持することができなくなった。。]
出典:ラッセル『自伝』第1巻 第3章「ケンブリッジ大学時代」
Kinju Morikawa, Japanese civil liberties leader. He is an attorney at law and vice-chairman of the Japan Civil Liberties Union. .
Imagine the district attorney, a rabbit selected for his powers of eloquent invective, addressing the jury of rabbits.
I suggest you consult a lawyer.
出典:Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English, new ed.
a barrister is a lawyer who represents clients in the higher courts of law.
出典:Collins COBUILD English Dictionary for Advanced Learners, new ed.
a solicitor is a lawyer who gives legal advice, prepares legal documents and cases.
出典:Collins COBUILD English Dictionary for Advanced Learners, new ed.
The attorney presented evidence as well as witnesses.
She is an attorney by profession.
出典:『キクタン TOEIC TEST SCORE 990』p.63