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バートランド・ラッセルの英語「類義語シリーズ」 - compete / contest / contend

compete / contest / contend  | 総索引


【"compete":ライバルと一対一で(あるいは多数の中で)覇を争うという意識の強い言葉で,"compete for"という形をとる。対象は事物だけでなく人間でもよい。】

(1) Those two men are competing for the affection of one girl.

(2) The attempt to reconcile the contesting parties failed.

(3) He contended that his in-laws' claim to the property was entirely unfounded.


With these works the present volume obviously does not set out to compete.

The great principle in a contest with a child is : do not yield, but do not punish.

The whole of the period from the fall of the Western Empire to the end of the sixteenth century may be viewed as a contest between two traditions : that of imperial Rome, and that of Teutonic aristocracy, the former embodied in the Church, the latter in the State.

The scientific study of the human body and its diseases has had to contend -- and to some extent still has to contend -- with a mass of superstition, largely pre-Christian in origin, but supported, until quite modern times, by the whole weight of ecclesiastical authority.
[人体及びその病気に関する科学的研究は,かつては -またある程度は今日でも- 多くの迷信と戦わなければならなかった。それらの迷信は,大部分はキリスト教誕生以前に起源を持つものであるが,ごく最近まで教会の権威によって全面的に(by the whole weight 全力で)支えられていたものである。]

For the first six centuries after the Barbarian invasion the Western Church was unable to contest on equal terms with the turbulent and passionate Germanic kings and barons who ruled in England and France, in North Italy and in Christian Spain.
[ (紀元5世紀の)蛮族の侵入後,六世紀(600年)の間,西方キリスト教会は,イングランド,フランス,北イタリア及びキリスト教下のスペインを支配していた乱暴で情熱的なゲルマン民族の王侯たちと,互角に戦うことができなかった。]


Companies compete for profit.
 出典:『英単語ターゲット1900』, p.77

He had to compete with 5,000 other applicants in the entrance examination.
 出典:『新版完全征服データベース5500 合格 英単語・熟語』, p.9

She entered the speech contest.
 出典:『VITAL 3000 英単語・熟語』p.229

キクタン TOEIC TEST SCORE 990 <参考例2-2>
He quickly won his party's nominationn to contest the elections.
 出典:Collins COBUILD English Dictionary for Advanced Learners, new ed.

They contend that taking DNA samples from people will violate their privacy.

He decided to contend in court.
 出典:『新版完全征服データベース5500 合格 英単語・熟語』, p.300