第3巻第3章 トラファルガー広場
その時(ロンドンに出たついでに)私は,初めてウーバーン・アビー(注:ラッセル家本家のベッドフォード公爵の邸宅)も訪ずれた。ウーバーン・アビー(邸)の壮大さはとても気持がよかったし,ダビッド神父の鹿(注:Father David's deer:ダビッド神父が初めて見つけた新種の鹿)の隠れ家となっている巨木の数々や広く静かにひろがっている緑の芝土(turf)のある附属公園の素晴らしい静穏さは,とても人の心を穏やかにさせるものであった。
v.3,chap.3: Trafalgar Square When all this pleasant fuss to do with my becoming a nonagenarian had passed, we retired to Wales, returning to London only for a few days in July for the purpose of talking with U Thant about international nuclear and disarmament policies. This was the first time that I had met him and I was greatly impressed not only by his energy and clear grasp of affairs, but by his balanced objectivity and thoughtfulness and his delightful good humour. At this time, too, I paid my first visit to Woburn Abbey. I found the grandeurs of the house very pleasing and the lovely serenity of the Park, with its great trees sheltering Father David's deer and its wide quiet stretches of green turf, very calming.
(掲載日:2010.4.14 掲載)