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ラッセル関係書籍の検索 ラッセルと20世紀の名文に学ぶ-英文味読の真相39 [佐藤ヒロシ]

バートランド・ラッセル自伝 第3巻第3章 トラファルガー広場 33-33 - The Autobiography of Bertrand Russell, v.3,n.3

前ページ 次ページ v.3,chap.3 (Trafalgar Square) 目次 Contents (総目次)

90歳の誕生日会の準備(松下彰良 訳)

 私は,誕生日の祝賀行事の数々に期待していたけれども,正直にいうと,かなり動揺していた。なぜかというと,その行事を達成するに当たって,それに伴う労苦や心配ごとについては何も知らされていなかったけれども,祝賀行事がどのようなものになりそうか話を聞いていたからである。行事が終わった後であるが,妙な妨害がいくつかのコンサート・ホールの興行主や支配人たちからあったこと,あるいは,指揮者や管強楽団や独奏者たちが非常に親切かつ寛大だったことを,初めて聞かされた。私を喜ばせるために,私の友人たちによって,大変な時間や精力や検討や厳しい決定が,何週間も費やされたことを,祝賀会修了後になって初めて徐々に知った。なかでも最も積極的に活動したのがラルフ・シェーンマン(Ralph Schoenman)だった。彼は,すばらしく配列された,また私にとって最も楽しかったコンサートのプログラムを含め,そのコンサート全ての面の主たる責任を受け持っていた。これらの裏話を全て知った時,祝賀会そのものと同様,私は深く感動させられた。そして驚いたことに,私がそのように予想外に友好的な'拍手喝采と賛辞'の中心に自分がいることを大いに楽しんでいることに気づいた。

v.3,chap.3: Trafalgar Square

During the time since the Secrets trial many things had been happening to me unconnected with the Committee - lunches such as the one given me by the foreign journalists in London. TV broadcasts such as the long one for United States consumption at which the interlocutor was named Susskind, visits from travelling dignitaries such as that of the five leadng Russian journalists who spent an afternoon with me in Wales. We also went on a holiday drive for somewhat over a fortnight at the end of March, a holiday which was a total failure since the weather was cold, raw, and dreary and we were both ill throughout with raging colds. The most important events in relation to my own life were those centring about my ninetieth birthday on May 18th.
I Iooked forward to my birthday celebrations, I confess, with, considerable trepidation, for I had been informed of their prospect though told nothing of the toil and anxiety that was going into their consummation. Only afterwards did I hear of the peculiar obstructions caused by impresarios and the managers of concert halls, or of the extreme kindness and generosity of conductors and orchestras and soloists. I only gradually learned of the immense amount of time and energy, thought and sheer determination to give me pleasure expended by my friends for many weeks. The most active of these was Ralph Schoenman who was chiefly responsible for all aspects of the concert, including the excellently arranged and, to me, most pleasing programme. When I did learn all this, I was deeply touched, as I was by the parties themselves. And to my surprise. I found that I enjoyed greatly being the centre of such unexpectedly friendly plaudits and encomiums.
