* 航空写真(左右):ケンブリッジ大学トリニティ・コレッジ(円内は Great Court,その西側にあるのが Neville's Court, Neville's Court の南にあるのが New Court) * 右下イラスト出典:B. Russell's The Good Citizen's Alphabet, 1953. ケンブリッジ大学は,私に友を与え,知的議論の経験をもたらしたという事実のおかげで,私の人生にとって重要であったが,現実の大学教育を通しては(→大学教育という面では)重要ではなかった。数学の授業についてはすでに述べた。哲学について学んだ事の大部分は,誤っていたように思われるようになり,私は,その後の長い年月を,ケンブリッジで身につけた思考習慣を徐々に捨て去る(←忘れ去る)ことに時間を費やした。
Cambridge was important in my life through the fact that it gave me friends, and experience of intellectual discussion, but it was not important through the actual academic instruction. Of the mathematical teaching I have already spoken. Most of what I learned in philosophy has come to seem to me erroneous, and I spent many subsequent years in gradually unlearning the habits of thought which I had there acquired. The one habit of thought of real value that I acquired there was intellectual honesty. This virtue certainly existed not only among my friends, but among my teachers. I cannot remember any instance of a teacher resenting it when one of his pupils showed him to be in error, though I can remember quite a number of occasions on which pupils succeeded in performing this feat. Once during a lecture on hydrostatics, one of the young men interrupted to say: 'Have you not forgotten the centrifugal forces on the lid? The lecturer gasped, and then said : 'I have been doing this example that way for twenty years, but you are right.' It was a blow to me during the War to find that, even at Cambridge, intellectual honesty had its limitations. Until then, wherever I lived, I felt that Cambridge was the only place on earth that I could regard as home. |