* 右ページ下イラスト出典:B. Russell's The Good Citizen's Alphabet, 1953.
(副学寮長の)オルダス・ライトは非常に威厳のある風貌をしており,いつも'さく杖' (さくじょう:昔は前装銃に弾薬を詰めるのに使い,現在では銃口を掃除するのに使う)のように背をまっすぐにのばして立ち,シルク・ハットをかぶらずには決して外に出なかった。かつて,火事のために午前3時に目をさまさせられた時ですら,頭にはきちんとシルク・ハットをかぶっていた。学寮長はラテン語の'大陸式(ヨーロッバ大陸式)発音'を採用したが,副学寮長の彼は'英国式発音'に固執した。彼らが食前(あるいは食後)の祈りを交互に読み上げるとき,それは非常に奇妙な感じがしたが,学寮長が宗教的熱情をもって唱えているのに,副学寮長が早口にべらべらしゃべっているときは,特におかしかった。 |
I remember once going to breakfast at the Lodge, and it happened that the day was his sister-in-law's birthday. After wishing her many happy returns, he continued: 'Now, my dear, you have lasted just as long as the Peloponnesian War.' She did not know how long this might be, but feared it was longer than she could wish. His wife took to Christian Science, which had the effect of prolonging his life for some twenty years beyond what might otherwise have been expected. This happened through her lack of sympathy with his ailments. When he was ill, she would send word to the Council Meeting that the Master was in bed and refused to get up. It must be said, however, that the Vice-Master, Aldous Wright, and the Senior Fellow, Joey Prior, lasted almost equally long without the help of Christian Science. I remember when I was an undergraduate watching the three of them standing bare-headed at the Great Gate to receive the Empress Frederick. They were already very old men, but fifteen years later they seemed no older. Aldous Wright was a very dignified figure, standing always as straight as a ramrod, and never appearing out-of-doors without a top hat. Even once when he was roused from sleep at three in the morning by a fire the top hat was duly on his head. He stuck to the English pronunciation of Latin, while the Master adopted the Continental pronunciation. When they read grace in alternate verses, the effect was curious, especially as the Vice-Master gabbled it while the Master mouthed it with unction. |