1905年末,自由党が政権につき,太っていて,気楽で,和やかなホールデン卿(Haldane, Richard Burdon, 1856-1928:英国の政治家。J. S. Haldane の兄。称号:Viscount Haldane of Cloan)が陸軍省の国務大臣になった時,クロムプトンは,非常に厳粛な態度で,陸軍改革案が出された時に陸軍大将連中が脳卒中にならないようにするために彼(ホールデン卿)は選ばれたのだと言っていた。 彼は危険な自動車の往来には悩まされていた。彼はロンドン市内の通りを,よく自動車の往来に注意を払わずに横切っていた。運転手(←車)が怒ってクラクションを鳴らすと,彼は気むずかしくいらいらした様子であたりを見まわし,「そんな音を出すな(ブーブーならすな!)」とよく言っていた。彼は,帽子を'阿弥陀にかぶり'(「あみだかぶり」は,もともとは後頭部にかぶった編み笠が,阿弥陀如来の放射状の後背(=こうはい)に似ていたことからこのようにいわれたもの,とのこと),ぼおっとして放心したように歩き回ったが,運転手たちは,彼は非常に重要な地位の人物にちがいないと確信し,彼が行き過ぎるまで辛抱づよく待った。
https://www.animationlibrary.com/a-l/ When the Liberal Government came into office at the end of 1905, and Lord Haldane, fat, comfortable, and soothing, was put at the War Office, Crompton, very gravely, said he had been chosen to prevent the Generals from having apoplexy when Army reforms were suggested. Motor traffic annoyed him by its imperiousness. He would cross London streets without paying attention to it, and when cars hooted indignantly, he would look round with an air of fastidious vexation and say, 'Don't' make that noise!' Although he wandered about with an air of dreamy abstraction, wearing his hat on the back of his head, motorists became convinced that he must be someone of enormous importance, and waited patiently while he went his way. He loved London as much as Lamb or Dr Johnson did. Once, when he was inveighing against Wordsworth for writing about the lesser celandine, I said, 'Do you like him better on Westminster Bridge?' Ah, yes, 'he answered, 'if only he had treated it on the same scale.' |