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バートランド・ラッセル自伝 第1巻第3章 - 友人のクロムプトン 2(松下彰良 訳)- The Autobiography of Bertrand Russell, v.1

前ページ 次ページ 第1巻 第3章(ケンブリッジ大学時代)累積版 総目次

「もう少し大きな声で言っていただけませんか? よく聞きとれませんので,・・・」
* From Free animation library

What made Crompton at the same time so admirable and so delightful, was not his ability, but his strong loves and hates, his fantastic humour, and his rock-like honesty. He was one of the wittiest men that I have ever known, with a great love of mankind combined with a contemptuous hatred for most individual men. He had by no means the ways of a saint.
Once, when we were both young, I was walking with him in the country, and we trespassed over a corner of a farmer's land. The farmer came running out after us, shouting and red with fury. Crompton held his hand to his ear, and said with the utmost mildness:
'Would you mind speaking a little louder? I'm rather hard of hearing.'
The farmer was reduced to speechlessness in the endeavour to make more noise than he was already making. Not long before his death I heard him tell this story, with great detail and exaggeration, attributing his part in it to me, while I interrupted, saying,
'Don't believe a word of it. It wasn't me, it was all Crompton,'
until finally he dissolved in affectionate chuckles.