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バートランド・ラッセル自伝 第1巻第2章 - 自慰の習慣(松下彰良 訳) - The Autobiography of Bertrand Russell, v.1

前ページ 次ページ 第1巻 第2章(青年期)累積版  総目次
* 出歯亀の由来?(小説「キタ・セクスアリス」の中にも登場する1908年の池田亀太郎による覗き見事件)
* ヒッチコック作品「裏窓」


 毎日何時間も,女性の裸を見たいという欲望に費やし,メイド(女中)たちが洋服を着ているのを,よく窓から少しでも覗き見しようとしたが,それはいつも不成功に終わった。友達(ジミー?)と私は,ある冬,人が四つん這いになってようやく通れる長いトンネルと6フィート立方(一辺が 1.8m の立方体の部屋からなる地下室づくりに時間を費やした。私について来るようによく誘い,この地下室へ連れていったメイド(女中)がいたが,私はその地下室で彼女にキスをし,抱きしめた。一度彼女に,私と一緒に一夜を過ごさないかと言ったが,その時彼女は,そんなことをするくらいなら死んだ方がましだと言ったので,私はそれを信じた。彼女はまた驚きの表情を示し,私は善良な人だと思っていたと言った。その結果,この出来事はそれ以上進展しなかった。

Kindle series
At fifteen, I began to have sexual passions, of almost intolerable intensity. While I was sitting at work, endeavouring to concentrate, I would be continually distracted by erections, and I fell into the practice of masturbating, in which, however, I always remained moderate. I was much ashamed of this practice, and endeavoured to discontinue it. I persisted in it, nevertheless, until the age of twenty, when I dropped it suddenly because I was in love.
The same tutor who told me of the approach of puberty mentioned, some months later, that one speaks of a man's breast, but of a woman's breasts. This remark caused me such an intolerable intensity of feeling that I appeared to be shocked, and he rallied me on my prudery. Many hours every day were spent in desiring to see the female body, and I used to try to get glimpses through windows when the maids were dressing, always unsuccessfully, however. My friend and I spent a winter making an underground house, which consisted of a long tunnel, through which one crawled on hands and knees, and then of a room 6 foot cube. There was a housemaid whom I used to induce to accompany me to this underground house, where I kissed her and hugged her. Once I asked her whether she would like to spend a night with me, and she said she would die rather, which I believed. She also expressed surprise, saying that she had thought I was good. Consequently this affair proceeded no further.