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バートランド・ラッセル 自伝 第1巻第2章 - 性の事実を知る(松下彰良・訳)- The Autobiography of Bertrand Russell, v.1

前ページ 次ページ 第1巻 第2章(青年期)累積版 総目次

* (参考)第19回日本思春期学会 :「中学生における「アダルトビデオの視聴」と「性意識」との関連について
* ラッセル著『結婚と性道徳』
* 日高一輝著『ラッセル:恋愛と結婚』
* 右イラスト出典:R. Clark's B. Russell and His World, 1981,p.79

 私が14歳の時,家庭教師は,まもなく私は重要な肉体的変化を経験するだろうと伝えた。この頃までに私は,彼が何を言おうとしているか,多少とも理解できるようになっていた。当時もう一人の少年ジミイ・ベイリー - 1929年に,ヴァンクーヴァーで再会した人物と同一 - が私の家に滞在していて,二人でいろいろ語り合っただけでなく,我が家で働いていた給仕(page-boy) -彼は私たちと同じ年頃か,あるいは一つ年上であり,私たちよりもどちらかと言えばより多くのことを知っていた- を含めて3人でもいろいろ語り合った。ある午後,私たちがその給仕と(真偽の)疑わしい会話にふけっていたところを発見された時,私たちは,深い悲嘆にくれた口調で話をきかされ,寝室においやられ,食事は水とパンだけしか与えられなかった。不思議なことに,こうした措置によって,性に対する私の関心を消滅させることはできなかった。私たちは,不適切な(みだらな)ことと考えられている会話に多大の時間を費やし,自分たちがまだ無知なことがらについて,知ろうと努力した。この目的のためには,医学辞典が役にたつことがわかった。

The facts of sex first became known to me when I was twelve years old, through a boy named Ernest Logan who had been one of my kindergarten companions at an earlier age. He and I slept in the same room one night, and he explained the nature of copulation and its part in the generation of children, illustrating his remarks by funny stories. I found what he said extremely interesting, although I had as yet no physical response. It appeared to me at the time self-evident that free love was the only rational system, and that marriage was bound up with Christian superstition. (I am sure this flection occurred to me only a very short time after I first knew the facts.)
When I was fourteen, my tutor mentioned to me that I should shortly undergo an important physical change. By this time I was more or less able to understand what he meant. I had at that time another boy, Jimmie Baillie, staying with me, the same whom I met at Vancouver in 1929, and he and I used to talk things over, not only with each other, but with the page-boy, who was about our own age or perhaps a year older, and rather more knowing than we were. When it was discovered that we had spent a certain afternoon in doubtful conversation with the page-boy, we were spoken to in tones of deep sorrow, sent to bed, and kept on bread and water. Strange to say, this treatment did not destroy my interest in sex. We spent a great deal of time in the sort of conversation that is considered improper, and in endeavouring to find out things of which we were ignorant. For this purpose I found the medical dictionary very useful.