* Adolescence(青年期):研究社英和大辞典によると,青年期とは,男子の場合は14~25歳,女子の場合は12~21歳までの成長期(法律上は,成年にたっするまで)とある。『ラッセル自伝』第1巻第1章「幼少時代」も13歳までのことが書かれている。
* フロイト(Sigmund Freud,1856‐1939)の発達段階説: 口唇期(Oral Stage):0~1.5歳 /肛門期(Anal Stage):1.5~3歳/男根期(Phallic Stage):3~6.5歳 /潜伏期(Latency Period):6.5~11.5歳/性器期(Genital Phase):11.5 歳以降
* Freud Museum London
My childhood was, on the whole, happy and straightforward, and I felt affection for most of the grown-ups with whom I was brought in contact. I remember a very definite change when I reached what in modern child psychology is called the 'latency period'. At this stage, I began to enjoy using slang, pretending to have no feelings, and being generally 'manly'. I began to despise my people, chiefly because of their extreme horror of slang and their absurd notion that it was dangerous to climb trees. So many things were forbidden me that I acquired the habit of deceit, in which I persisted up to the age of twenty-one. lt became second nature to me to think that whatever I was doing had better be kept to myself, and I have never quite overcome the impulse to concealment which was thus generated. I still have an impulse to hide what I am reading when anybody comes into the room, and to hold my tongue generally as to where I have been, and what I have done. It is only by a certain effort of will that I can overcome this impulse, which was generated by the years during which I had to find my way among a set of foolish prohibitions.
The years of adolescence were to me very lonely and very unhappy. Both in the life of the emotions and in the life of the intellect, I was obliged to preserve an impenetrable secrecy towards my people. My interests were divided between sex, religion, and mathematics. I find the recollection of my sexual preoccupation in adolescence unpleasant. I do not like to remember how I felt in those years, but I will do my best to relate things as they were and not as I could wish them to have been.