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ラッセル関係書籍の検索 ラッセルと20世紀の名文に学ぶ-英文味読の真相39 [佐藤ヒロシ]

バートランド・ラッセル自伝 第1巻第1章 - 悪戯(松下彰良・訳)- The Autobiography of Bertrand Russell, v.1

前ページ 次ページ  第1巻 第1章(幼少時代)累積版 総目次

* 楽天広告の script 挿入!

 私がとても楽しんだ別の遊びがあった。日曜日,リッチモンド・パークが多くの人でいっぱいになった時,自宅<(Pembroke Lodge)の土地の端に立っている大きなブナの木(右水彩画参照)のてっぺんによく登った。木のてっぺんで逆さになってぶらさがり,叫び声をあげ,群衆がどのようにすればうまく救出できるか真剣に議論している様子を眺めた。そうして,話が決まりそうになったのを見とどけると,体を上に向けなおして,静かに下りた。

I had another amusement which I much enjoyed. On a Sunday, when the Park was crowded, I would climb to the very top of a large beech tree on the edge of our grounds. There I would hang upside down and scream and watch the crowd gravely discussing how a rescue should be effected. When I saw them nearing a decision I would get the right way up and quietly come down.
During the time when Jimmie Baillie stayed with me I was led into even more desperate courses. The bath chair in which I remembered my grandfather being wheeled about had been lodged in a lumber room. We found it there and raced it down whatever hills we could find. When this was discovered it was considered blasphemy and we were reproached with melancholy gravity.
Some of our doings, however, never came to the ears of the grown-ups. We tied a rope to a branch of a tree and learnt by long practice to swing in a complete circle and return to our starting point. It was only by great skill that one could avoid stopping half-way and bumping one's back painfully into the rough bark of the tree. When other boys came to visit us, we used to carry out the correct performance ourselves and when the others attempted to imitate us we maliciously exulted in their painful failure. My Uncle Rollo, with whom for a while we used to spend three months each year, had three cows and a donkey. The donkey was more intelligent than the cows and learnt to open the gates between the fields with his nose, but he was said to be unruly and useless. I did not believe this and, after some unsuccessful attempts, I learnt to ride him without saddle or bridle. He would kick and buck but he never got me off except when I had tied a can full of rattling stones to his tail. I used to ride him all round the country, even when I went to visit the daughter of Lord Wolseley, who lived about three miles from my uncle's house.