バートランド・ラッセル 英単語・熟語 w029 - warn
★ warn (v)【警告する,注意を与える;届け出る,通告する】
* warning (n):警告,注意;戒め;警報;兆候;通知
* warning coloration : 警戒色
* warn off :(人に)近づくなと警告する
* warn A of B : AにBを警告する
* warn A to do : Aに~するように警告する
He demanded constant flattery and had a passion for quarrelling. I was warned before accepting his offer that he always tired of people before long, so I exacted a five-year contract from him.
I could state in fiction ideas which I half believed in but had no good solid grounds for believing. In this way it was possible to warn of dangers which might or might not occur in the near future.

The timid mother or nurse, who is perpetually warning children against disasters that may occur, who thinks that every dog will bite and that every cow is a bull, may produce in them a timidity equal to her-own, and may cause them to feel that they are never safe except in her immediate neighbourhood.
Many medicine labels warn people not to drink alcohol while taking the medicine.
The TV news warned us of the coming storm.
They attacked without warning./ Before you can dismiss him, you must give him advance warning in writing.
[ 出典:Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English, new ed.]