
バートランド・ラッセル 英単語・熟語 n009 - notion

★ notion (n) [観念,考え;意向;ばかげた考え]


The schools of all civilised countries are still based upon the entirely antiquated notion that the most important part of education is the acquisition of knowledge. The state takes enormous pains to cause its juvenile citizens to know the multiplication table and what happened in 1776.

The essay 'On the Notion of Cause' was the presidential address to the Aristotelian Society in November, 1912, and was published in their Proceedings for 1912-13.

In philosophy, hitherto, ethical neutrality has been seldom sought and hardly ever achieved. Men have remembered their wishes, and have judged philosophies in relation to their wishes. Driven from the particular sciences, the belief that the notions of good and evil must afford a key to the understanding of the world has sought a refuge in philosophy. But even from this last refuge, if philosophy is not to remain a set of pleasing dreams, this belief must be driven forth.
 出典:ラッセル『外界の知識』(Our Knowledge of the External World,1914)第1章「最近の傾向」]


He has no notion of diplomacy.

the old notion that sun moved round the Earth. / I haven't the faintest notion what you are talking about.
[ 出典:Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English, new ed.]