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ラッセル関係書籍の検索 ラッセルと20世紀の名文に学ぶ-英文味読の真相39 [佐藤ヒロシ]



* 原著:Children, by Bertrand Russell
* Source: Mortals and Others, v.1, 1975


* 改訳及びHTML修正をしました。(2010.9.16)

 核家族化・少子化が進むにつれ,親と子の関係はべったりとなり,親離れ子離れが遅くなりがちになります。日本においてはその傾向が顕著です。それは双方にとって不幸なことですが,なかなかその弊害には気がつきません。親も子供もそれぞれの人生があり,独立した人格を認めあい,成長及び老化の段階により,助け合うことが賢明な生き方というべきだろうと思われます。児童心理学,青年心理学,老人心理学,・・・,というように,成長・老化の各段階に即した心理学がありますので,お互い勉強したほうがよさそうです。(2000.06.27: 松下)

 以上は,-今日でもいまだそうであるが- 親が現代の児童心理学を知らない場合である。親が現代の児童心理学の新しいキャッチワードを学ぶと状況は逆になる。(即ち)現代では悩まなければならないのは親であり,一方子供の方は親に迷惑をかけることが許される。今の親は子供に対して良心的であるが,それだからといって,子供に体罰を加えることによって自分のいらだちに対する慰めを見出す旧い親以上に,本能的に子供が好きなわけではない。それにもかかわらず親子の交わりから生ずる喜びに匹敵するものはないことを親の感傷が命ずる(知らせる)ゆえに,新しいタイプの親も旧いタイプの親も懸命である。
 保育園(nursery schoool 保育学校)では,子供は,子供に安心感を与える大人に影ながら見守られた子供達からなる環境をそこに見いだすだろう。保育園(保育学校)では,警戒すべき危険は最小限にとどめられるだろう。神経が細かくゆきとどいた環境が可能にする範囲で,子供への禁令は最小限のものとされるであろう。

 It is commonly supposed that all parents, except a few unnatural wretches, love their children. In theory, perhaps, they do, but in practice the love too often shows itself only in slaps and cross reproofs. Whatever the child does is wrong: he must not fidget, he must not roll down a grassy bank in the park. The only thing he may do without getting into trouble is to sit still and wish he were dead.
 This is when his parents are untouched by modern child psychology, as the great majority still are. When parents have learnt the new catchwords, the only result is that the situation is reversed; it is now the parent who must suffer in silence while the child is allowed to make himself a nuisance. The modern parent is conscientious, but is not on that account any more instinctively fond of her child than the old-fashioned parent who finds relief for irritation in physical chastisement. Nevertheless, both struggle on, because sentimentality has decreed that there is no joy equal to that to be derived from the companionship between children and parents.
 This trouble is caused by failure to recognise a very simple fact, namely, that, at all ages beyond the second birthday, people prefer the society of their contemporaries to that of people much older or younger than themselves. Men and women between the ages of twenty and thirty do not enjoy the company of old people of seventy. Woman of sixty do not wish to be perpetually accompanied by girls of nineteen. But in the case of parents and children this rule is ignored, although it is quite as true in any other case. The causes of this are physiological; children need constant movement and almost constant noise, whereas adults need rest for muscles and nerves.
 The home may have been a perfect environment for the child when the home was a farm in the country and the child was one of ten. But when the home is a small urban apartment and the child has at most one brother or sister, the matter is otherwise. In the case, while children and parents are likely to love one another if they are apart most of the day, they will be perpetually on each other's nerves if they have to be cooped up together from morning till night. The resulting friction is irritating to parents and disastrous to children.  The schools of all civilised countries are still based upon the entirely antiquated notion that the most important part of education is the acquisition of knowledge. The state takes enormous pains to cause its juvenile citizens to know the multiplication table and what happened in 1776.
 Far be it from me to decry such accomplishments, but the training of character seems to me of even greater importance. Now character is mainly determined before the age of six, when schooling begins. If the state understood modern child psychology it would make all children go to nursery school from the age of two onward.
 There the child would find an environment composed of other children, with a grown-up in the background who would unobtrusively give a sense of safety. There would be a minimum of dangers to be guarded against; and there would be as few things forbidden as a carefully arranged environment would make posible.
 In the evening the children would return home, their parents would love them and they love their parents, and all would be well. Even the fondest wife is glad that her husband is out at business most of the day, and mothers have need of relief quite as much as wives.