
バートランド・ラッセル 英単語・熟語 h012 - herd

★ herd [(n)家畜(動物)の群れ;(軽蔑)民衆,下層民;群衆,大勢 || (vi) 群がる; (vt)(牛・羊などの)群れを集める;]

* herd-instinct : 群居本能。


あるいは アマゾンで購入
A dog will bark more loudly and bite more readily when people are afraid of him than when they treat him with contempt, and the human herd has something of this same characteristic.

Throughout Western Europe, except in Spain and Portugal, there is less theological superstition than in America. In almost all European countries the individual is less subject to herd domination than in America: his inner freedom is greater even where his political freedom is less.

And so Christmas at sea, which was once a pleasant adventure, has become painful. It seems to symbolize the loneliness of the man who chooses to stand alone, using his own judgment rather than the judgment of the herd.


She pushed her way through a herd of lunchtime drinkers.
[ 出典:Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary, 8th ed.]

She is different from that herd of fools./ The star was mobbed by a herd of autographseekers.
[彼女はあの馬鹿者たちとは違う。/ スターハサインを求める群衆にどっと取り囲まれた。
 出典:Shogakukan Randome House English-Japanese Dictionary, 1982]