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ラッセル関係書籍の検索 ラッセルと20世紀の名文に学ぶ-英文味読の真相39 [佐藤ヒロシ]

バートランド・ラッセル 自伝 第2巻第4章 - 海上でのクリスマス(松下彰良 訳)- The Autobiography of Bertrand Russell, v.2

前ページ 次ページ  v.2,chap.4 (Second Marriage) 目次  Contents (総目次)

第2巻第4章 再婚(承前)

あるいは アマゾンで購入
 当時私は,週に一度,ハースト系の新聞のために論説(エッセイ)を書いていた。1931年のクリスマス(1931.12.25)は,アメリカ講演旅行からの帰国途上であり,大西洋上で過ごした。そこで,その週の論説のテーマとして,「海上でのクリスマス」を選んだ。以下は,その論説である。(注:この論説は,Mortals and Others, v.2 に収録されている。v.1 は,みすず書房から『人生に関する断章』として邦訳されている。)



 現在では,--あの当時わからなかったことであるが--,そのような態度がとれたのは生命力に満ち溢れていたからだ,ということを実感している。当時私は,'海上でのクリスマス'はとても楽しいものだと感じた。また,船員がクリスマスをできるだけ陽気なお祭り気分にしようとしている努力(の成果)を享受した。船は恐ろしく揺れ,揺れるたびに船客の旅行用大かばんSteamer trunk: 船の寝台の下に入れる大型流行用カバン)の全てが,雷のような音をたてながら,全ての特等室内の端から端まで滑り移動した。その音が大きくなればなるほど私は笑った。すべてがとても面白かった。


v.2,chap.4: Second Marriage

I was profoundly unhappy during the next few years and some things which I wrote at the time give a more exact picture of my mood than anything I can now write in somewhat pale reminiscence.
At that time I used to write an article once a week for the Hearst Press. I spent Christmas Day, 1931, on the Atlantic, returning from one of my American lecture tours. So I chose for that week's article the subject of 'Christmas at Sea.' This is the article I wrote:


For the second time in my life, I am spending Christmas Day on the Atlantic. The previous occasion when I had this experience was thirty-five years ago, and by contrasting what I feel now with what I remember of my feelings then, I am learning much about growing old.
Thirty-five years ago I was lately married, childless, very happy, and beginning to taste the joys of success. Family appeared to me as an external power hampering to freedom: the world, to me, was a world of individual adventure. I wanted to think my own thoughts, find my own friends, and choose my own abode, without regard to tradition or elders or anything but my own tastes. I felt strong enough to stand alone, without the need of buttresses.
Now, I realize, what I did not know then, that this attitude was dependent upon a superabundant vitality. I found Christmas at sea a pleasant amusement, and enjoyed the efforts of the ship's officers to make the occasion as festive as possible. The ship rolled prodigiously, and with each roll all the steamer trunks slid from side to side of all the state-rooms with a noise like thunder. The louder the noise became, the more it made me laugh: everything was great fun.
Time, they say, makes a man mellow. I do not believe it. Time makes a man afraid, and fear makes him conciliatory, and being conciliatory he endeavours to appear to others what they will think mellow. And with fear comes the need of affection, of some human warmth to keep away the chill of the cold universe. When I speak of fear, I do not mean merely or mainly personal fear: the fear of death or decrepitude or penury or any such merely mundane misfortune. I am thinking of a more metaphysical fear. I am thinking of the fear that enters the soul through experience of the major evils to which life is subject: the treachery of friends, the death of those whom we love, the discovery of the cruelty that lurks in average human nature.
During the thirty-five years since my last Christmas on the Atlantic, experience of these major evils has changed the character of my unconscious attitude to life. To stand alone may still be possible as a moral effort, but is no longer pleasant as an adventure.
I want the companionship of my children, the warmth of the family fire-side, the support of historic continuity and of membership of a great nation. These are very ordinary human joys, which most middle-aged persons enjoy at Christmas. There is nothing about them to distinguish the philosopher from other men; on the contrary, their very ordinariness makes them the more effective in mitigating the sense of sombre solitude.
And so Christmas at sea, which was once a pleasant adventure, has become painful. It seems to symbolize the loneliness of the man who chooses to stand alone, using his own judgment rather than the judgment of the herd. A mood of melancholy is, in these circumstances, inevitable, and should not be shirked.
But there is something also to be said on the other side. Domestic joys, like all the softer pleasures, may sap the will and destroy courage. The indoor warmth of the traditional Christmas is good, but so is the South wind, and the sun rising out of the sea, and the freedom of the watery horizon. The beauty of these things is undiminished by human folly and wickedness, and remains to give strength to the faltering idealism of middle age.
 December 25, 1931.