
バートランド・ラッセル 英単語・熟語 d122 - dissipation

★ dissipation (n)【(エネルギーの)散失;消失;浪費】

* dissipate (vt):(雲・霧などを)散らす);(悲しみや恐怖などを)消す;(財産などを)浪費する;(熱やエネルギーなどを)放散する | (vi) (雲などが)消散する


あるいは アマゾンで購入
This isolation is not only a source of pain, it also causes a great dissipation of energy in the unnecessary task of maintaining mental independence against hostile surroundings, and in ninety-nine cases out of a hundred produces a certain timidity in following out ideas to their logical conclusions.

Certainly the idle rich who at present infest the older universities very often derive no benefit from them but merely contract habits of dissipation.

During the meeting there was a loud clap of thunder, which all the older members of the committee took to be a German bomb. This dissipated their last lingering feeling in favour of neutrality.

I find, however, that this view tends to be dissipated by introspection, foreign travel, and the conversation of my gardener.
 出典:ラッセル『幸福論』第10章 「幸福はそれでも可能か?


the law of the dissipation of energy
 出典:『京大学術語彙データベース 基本英単語1110』, p.242

The crowd soon dissipated when the police arrived.
 出典:Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English, new ed.

the dissipation of energy in the form of heat
 出典:Oxford Advanced Learner(s Dictionary, 8th ed.