
バートランド・ラッセルv英単語・熟語 d038 - deceive

★ deceive (v) 【だます;嘘をつく】
* deceit (n):だますこと;不誠実
* deceitful (adj.):人をだます,不正直な
* deceptive (adj.):紛らわしい
* deception (n):だますこと,詐欺


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Moreover, those who deceive themselves generally know at bottom that they are doing so, and live in a state of apprehension lest some untoward event should force unwelcome realisations upon them.

For all these reasons a young child's statements are often objectively untrue, but without the slightest intention to deceive.

I began to despise my people, chiefly because of their extreme horror of slang and their absurd notion that it was dangerous to climb trees. So many things were forbidden me that I acquired the habit of deceit, in which I persisted up to the age of twenty-one.

On the other hand, what I learned of mathematics and science has been not only of immense utility, but also of great intrinsic value, as affording subjects of contemplation and reflection, and touch-stones of truth in a deceitful world.


He is very good at deceiving people.

Those sales representatives may deceive children into buying their goods.
 出典:『新版完全征服データベース5500 合格 英単語・熟語』p.15]

You're just deceiving yourself if you carry on believing that she loves you.
[ 出典:Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English, new ed.]

He was accused of lies and deceit. / Her husband had been deceiving her for years.
[ 出典:Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary, 8th ed.]