
バートランド・ラッセル 英単語・熟語 d018 - disposition

★ disposition (n) [(・・・する)傾向;性質,気質,性癖配置;配備;処分;処分の自由]

* dispose (v):配列する,配置する;(・・・したい)気にさせる;片付ける,処置(処分)する(dispose of)
* disposal (n): 処分,処置;処理;処分の自由;配置
* at a one's disposal = at the disposal of : 人の自由になって,勝手に使えて
* 森一郎『改訂新版 試験にでる英単語』p.95の説明:dis = apart , pose = put → 「ばらばらに分けて置く → ちゃんと処理する


If he is of a philosophic disposition, he concludes that human life is essentially wretched, since the man who has all he wants is still unhappy. He forgets that to be without some of the things you want is an indispensable part of happiness.

Desire for excitement, when it goes beyond a point, is a sign either of a twisted disposition or of some instinctive dissatisfaction.

She said that, for her part, if she had children she would consider them entirely her own, and would not be disposed to recognise the father's rights.


He wants to dispose of his land.

He has a cheerful disposition.
[ 出典:Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English, new ed.]