
バートランド・ラッセル 英単語・熟語 b028 - be content with

★ be content with [~に満足している]

* 森一郎『試験にでる英熟語』p.84説明:be content[ed] with はつまらないものにでも甘んじて満足すること。be satisfied with は,立派なものに積極的に満足すること・


Cities like London and New York are so large that it takes a very long time to get out of them. Those who live in the city usually have to be content with a flat, to which, of course, not a square inch of soil is attached, and in which people of moderate means have to be content with the absolute minimum of space.
* means (n):手段,方法;資力,収入,財産
[ロンドンやニューヨークのような都市は,非常に大きいので,市外へ出るにはずいぶん時間がかかる。都市に住んでいる人びとは,通例,フラット(flat: 同一の階に1戸分があるアパート)で満足しなければならないし,もちろん,個々のフラットには1インチ平方の土地もくっついておらず,また,そこでは,並みの収入の人びとは最小限のスペースで満足しなくてはならない。
 出典:ラッセル『幸福論』 第13章「家庭」]

Love is the first and commonest form of emotion leading to cooperation, and those who have experienced love with any intensity will not be content with a philosophy that supposes their highest good to be independent of that of the person loved.
* the greatest good of the greatest number は、ベンサムの功利主義の理念である「最大多数の最大幸福」のこと。ラッセルのこの文章の中の good も「善」ではなく、「幸福」と訳さないとピンとこなくなる。
 出典:ラッセル『幸福論』 第2章「バイロン風の不幸」]

Ever since my marriage, my emotional life had been calm and superficial. I had forgotten all the deeper issues, and had been content with flippant cleverness. Suddenly the ground seemed to give way beneath me, and I found myself in quite another region.


He is content[ed] with his present state

Not content with stealing my boyfriend (= not thinking that this was enough), she had turned all my friends against me.
[ 出典:Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary, 8h ed.]

He is not content with his lot.
 出典:Kenkyusha's New College English-Japanese Dictionary, 6th ed.]

Today a man can't be content with just earning a living.
 出典:Shogakukan Random House English-Japanese Dictionary, 1982]