
バートランド・ラッセル 英単語・熟語 a101 - allege

★ allege [(vt) (根拠なく)言い張る,断言する,申し立てる]

* 語源:ラテン語の"allegare"(権限を持つ人を派遣する、言及する)に由来。"ad-"(~の方へ)+ "lego"(大使を送り出す)
* alleged (adj.):申し立てられた;噂による
* allegedly (adv.):(未確認情報だが)伝えられるところでは
* allegation (n):申し立て;主張


I come now to the last question in our discussion of Cosmic Purpose, namely : is what has happened hitherto evidence of the good intentions of the universe? The alleged ground for believing this, as we have seen, is that the universe has produced US.
* 「what has happened hitherto」が主語であること、また、「US]は「米国」ではなく、「我々(人間・人類)」であることに注意。
[今や私は,宇宙の目的に関する議論における最後の問い -即ち,「これまでに起きてきたことは宇宙の善い意図を保障する証拠だろうか?」- (をする段階)にやってきている(やってきた)。宇宙の善い意図を信ずる根拠として主張されていることは,既にこれまで見てきたように,宇宙が「(心を持った)我々人間」を生み出したということである。]

He (= The highbrow) will allege that all great achievement has been the outcome of some kind of misery, and he will point out that people like the Samoans, who are said to be happy in childhood and even in adolescence, have never contributed anything to civilisation.

At my insistence, because there had been so many allegations as to what I had said and not said, a tape recording was taken of these meetings, a copy of which was sent to the CND offices for the chairman and the original of which I kept.

By 1963, I had become convinced of the justice of these allegations since it was clear that similar ones must be brought against the United States in Vietnam.


The alleged health benefits of hot springs have long been a major reason for their popularity.

The newspapers alleged that the police shot the suspect without warning.
 出典:『新版完全征服データベース5500 合格 英単語・熟語』p.283

The police alleged that he stole the money.
 出典:『キクタン Super 12000』p.46

This is what they allege, but they are unlikely to be able to prove it.]
 出典:Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English, new ed.