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ラッセル英単語熟語-索引 類義語-索引
バートランド・ラッセルの英語「類義語シリーズ」- suspect / doubt
【"suspect":「~ではないかと疑う」、つまり ”I suppose" という意味。】
【"doubt";「~であることを疑う(~ではないと思う)」、つまり "I do not" believe" という意味。)】
(1-1) I suspect that's what he said.
(1-2) Who do you think killed her? I suspect he did.
[・・・ 彼が殺したのだと思う。(I think he killed her.)]
(2-1) I doubt that's what he said.
(2-2) Who do you think killed her? I doubt he did.
[・・・ 彼がやったとは思わない。(I don't believe he killed her.)]
I doubt that nine people out of ten, if they had committed a murder at the age of twenty and had never been found out, would by the time they were seventy have become convinced that they had never done any such thing.
At last they suspected that I was pretending, and one day, as I was lying in my bed, they poked me about.
Is there any knowledge in the world which is so certain that no reasonable man could doubt it?
Nevertheless, I never had a moment's doubt as to what I must do.
I began to suspect she might be lying.
The early Greeks were the first to suspect that the earch is round.
出典:『ジーニアス英単語2500 改訂版』p.81
I'm sorry for doubting you.
I doubt whether he will come.
出典:『ジーニアス英単語2500 改訂版』p.183