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バートランド・ラッセルの英語「類義語シリーズ」- savage / barbarous
【"savage":いわゆる「未開な」「原始的な」状態を形容する言葉で、原始人の特徴とされる "cannibalistic"な激しい感情を表す形容詞。】
【"barbarous":粗野で、時として動物的な暴力を発揮するといった通念を含んだ言葉で、"savage"のように "primitives"(原始人)を形容する言葉ではない。"foreign devil"と同じく、夷狄(いてき)の代用としても使われる。】
(1-1) He became savage at the thought of injustice done him.
(1-2) He was subjected to a savage attack by hooligans on the street and was left crippled.
["barbarous" の使用例の紹介なし]
When people let loose upon a murderer the savage impulses of the head-hunter, they feel neither savage nor wicked but believe themselves to be upholders of virtue and good citizenship.
No doubt the pleasure he derives from them is connected with savage instincts, but these are harmless as mere play-impulses in a powerless child, and they tend to die down as the child grows older.
I felt that when the Germans were obviously about to surrender that was enough, and that to destroy not only 135,000 Germans but also all their houses and countless treasures was barbarous.
And, apart from this argument, it is barbarous to compel a man to do acts which he considers wicked.
She was attacked by a savage dog.
The savage customs and traditions fascinated him.
出典: 『新版完全征服データベース5500 合格 英単語・熟語』p.15
If you describe something as barbarous, you strongly disapprove of it because you think that it is rough and uncivilized .
出典:Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English, new ed.