ラッセル英単語熟語-索引 類義語-索引
バートランド・ラッセルの英語「類義語シリーズ」 - reign / rule
(1-1) The king (queen) reigns but does not rule.
(1-2) The campus queen reigned over the village festival.
(2) The court ruled that A should pay B a sum of $100.
They hated Wells, both because he offended Mrs Webb's rigid Victorian morality and because he tried to dethrone Webb from his reign over the Fabian Society.
[彼らは,H. G. ウェルズ(Herbert George Wells, 1866-1946/映画「宇宙戦争」の原作者)を憎んだが,それは,ウェルズがウェッブ夫人の厳格なヴィクトリア朝風の倫理にけちをつけたからであり,また,シドニー・ウェッブがフェビアン協会を支配しているのを,彼が排除しようとしたからであった。]
Thus Roger Bacon says: 'For more sins reign in these days of ours than in any past age, and sin is incompatible with wisdom.
[そうして,ロジャー・べーコン(Roger Bacon,1214-1294/13世紀の哲学者でカトリック司祭)は次のように言っている。「今日の我々の時代においては,過去のいかなる時代よりも多くの罪悪がはびこっており,罪は知恵と両立しない。]
So long as the child’s physical needs are attended to, he finds games far more interesting than reality. In games he is a king : indeed, he rules his territory with a power surpassing that of any mere earthly monarch.
The reign of Queen Victoria began in 1837.
After the dictator's death, anarchy and confusion reigned for several years.
出典:Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English, new ed.
The Soviet Union was ruled by Stalin.
出典:『鉄緑会 東大英単語熟語 鉄壁』p.241
Don't let the desire for money rule your life.
出典:Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English, new ed.