ラッセル英単語熟語-索引 類義語-索引
バートランド・ラッセルの英語「類義語シリーズ」- ethic / morality || ethics / morals
【"ethic":一定の社会内において守られる道義(慣行的道徳),道徳律のことで,"medical ethic"は医者の守るべき道義のこと。"professional ethic"(職業倫理)という言い方もある。】
【"morals":一般化した道徳 -特に性道徳- や普遍的な教訓の意味で使われる。】
(1) His conduct is in flagrant violation of professional ethic.
(2) 用例紹介なし
(3) 用例紹介なし
(4-1) a woman of loose morals
(4-2) A lot of morals are woven into this story.
This book has two purposes: first, to set forth an undogmatic ethic; and second, to apply this ethic to various current political problems.
Whatever sexual ethic may come to be ultimately accepted must be free from superstition and must have recognizable and demonstrable grounds in its favour.
The basis of the difference between morality for men and morality for women was obviously the superior power of men.
After I reached the age of fourteen, my grandmother's intellectual limitations became trying to me, and her Puritan morality began to seem to me to be excessive.
I had originally intended to include the discussion of ethics in my book on 'Human Knowledge,' but I decided not to do so because I was uncertain as to the sense in which ethics can be regarded as 'knowledge'.
[私はもともと倫理学についての論議は『人間の知識』(Human Knowledge, 1948)という私の本に含めるつもりであったが,そうしないことに決めた。というのは,私は,倫理学を「知識」とみなし得るという感触には確信がもてなかったからである。]
In 1929, I published Marriage and Morals, which I dictated while recovering from whooping-cough.
[1929年に,私は『結婚と(性)道徳』(Marriage and Morals)を出版した。この本は,私が百日咳から回復しつつある時期に口述したものである。]
the Christian ethic
出典:『京大学術語彙データベース 基本英単語1110』,p.103
the Protestant ethic
出典:『究極の英単語 上級の3000語』.p.449
One sometimes wonders if there's any morality in politics.
出典:Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English, new ed.
Medical ethics is a growing field of study.
The moral of this story is that crime doesn't pay.
出典:Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English, new ed.