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ラッセル英単語熟語-索引  類義語-索引

ラッセルの英語「類義語シリーズ」 - change / alter



(1-1) The situation has changed from what it was 30 years ago.

(1-2) Don't change the subject.

(2-1) I had the hemline of the dress altered.

(2-2) The editor altered my story almost out of recognition. / We've only slightly altered your story.


There is no arguing with a mood; it can be changed by some fortunate event, or by a change in our bodily condition, but it cannot be change by argument.

I have omitted a chapter of which I was not the author; on the other hand, I have found it necessary, in order to conform to modern usage, to alter the word 'Communism' to 'Socialism' in many places.]

The emancipation of women is part of the democratic movement; it begins with the French Revolution, which, as we have already seen, altered the laws of inheritance in a sense favourable to daughters.


I won't change my mind whatever may happen.
 出典:『VITAL 3000 英単語・熟語』p.65

The government is reluctant to alter its economic policy.
 出典:『ジーニアス英単語2500 改訂版』p.63

We had to alter some of our travel plans because of bad weather.
 出典:『キクタン TOEIC TEST SCORE 800』p.89