第12章 権力と統治形態 n.20 - 民主主義における必須の限界
民主主義は,一つの統治方法として,(民主主義に)本質的ないくつかの制限(限界)と,また,原則として回避可能な制限(限)界に,従わなければならない。(民主主義における)本質的な限界は,主に二つの源泉から生ずる。(即ち),ある種の決定は迅速に行われなければならず、それ以外の決定には専門的な知識を要するものがある(からである)。大英帝国が1931年に金本位制を廃止した時も,この両方の要因が含まれていた。即ち,敏速に行動することが絶対に必要であったと同時に,そこに含まれている問題は大部分の人々が理解できないような問題であった(のである)。従って,民主主義国の英国(注:The democracy 定冠詞がついており,従って数えられない抽象名詞ではないことに注意/因みに、東宮氏は「民主政治」と訳している。)は,自らの意見を回想の形(過去に遡って)で表現することしかできなかった(のである)。戦争は,通貨(の問題)ほど専門的な問題(less technical)ではないが,もっと急を要する問題である。議会とか国会にはかることも不可能ではないが(ただし,これは,一般的に,茶番劇に近い,なぜなら問題は,形の上ではともかくとして,実際の上ではすでに決定されてしまっているはずだからである),(緊急時に)選挙民にはかることは不可能である。 |
Chapter XII: Powers and Forms of Governmants, n.20In all organizations, but especially in States, the problem of government is twofold. From the point of view of the government, the problem is to secure acquiescence from the governed; from the point of view of the governed, the problem is to make the government take account, not only of its own intetests, but also of the interests of those over whom it has power. If either of these problems is completely solved, the other does not arise ; if neither is solved, there is revolution. But as a rule a compromise solution is reached. Apart from brute force, the principal factors on the government side are tradition, religion, fear of foreign enemies, and the natural desire of most men to follow a leader. For the protection of the governed, only one method has been hitherto discovered which is in any degree effective, namely, democracy.Democracy, as a method of government, is subject to some limitations which are essential, and to others which are, in principle, avoidable. The essential limitations arise chiefly from two sources : some decisions must be speedy, and others require expert knowledge. When Great Britain abandoned the gold standard in 1931, both factors were involved : it was absolutely necessary to act quickly, and the questions involved were such as most men could not understand. The democracy, therefore, could only express its opinion retrospectively. War, though less technical than currency, has even more urgency : it is possible to consult Parliament or Congress (though as a rule this is something of a farce, since the issue will have been already decided in fact, if not in form), but it is impossible to consult the electorate. |