第12章 権力と統治形態 n.19 - アメリカはいつから民主主義国?
(一つの)政府が「民主的」と呼ばれるのは,通常,国民のかなり大きな割合が政治的権力を共有する場合のことである(みすず書房版の東宮訳では「A government」を「一つの政治」と訳されているが、「政治」は数えられず、ここは「政府」と訳すべきであろう)。最も極端なギリシアの(歴代の)民主政体においては(注:Greek democracies と複数形になっていることに注意),女性と奴隷は(政治から)排除され,また,アメリカ合衆国は婦人に参政権が与えられる前に自国を民主国だと考えていた。寡頭政治も,政治的権力を所有する者の割合が増加するにつれて,より民主的な政体(a democracy)に近づいてゆくことは明らかである。寡頭政治の特徴は,右のパーセンテージがかなり小さいときにのみ現われる。(注:The characteristic features of oligarchy only appear when this percentage is rather small. 東宮氏は「どちらかと言えば小さい時」と訳しているが、控えめに言っている場合には「かなり」と訳すべき時が多い。たとえば、「a rather good-looking girl」は 「かなり器量よしの娘」。) |
Chapter XII: Powers and Forms of Governmants, n.19We have seen that monarchy and oligarchy have both merits and demerits. The principal demerit of both is that, sooner or later, the government becomes so indifferent to the desires of ordinary men that there is revolution. Democracy, when firmly established, is a safeguard against this kind of instability. Since civil war is a very grave evil, a form of government which makes it unlikely is to be commended. Now civil war is unlikely where, if it occurred, it would give victory to the previous holders of power. Other things being equal, if power is in the hands of the majority, the government is more likely to win in a civil war than if it represents only a minority. This, so far as it goes, is an argument for democracy; but various recent instances show that it is subject to many limitations.A government is usually called "democratic" if a fairly large percentage of the population has a share of political power. The most extreme Greek democracies excluded women and slaves, and America considered itself a democracy before women had the vote. Clearly an oligarchy approaches more nearly to a democracy as the percentage possessed of political power increases. The characteristic features of oligarchy only appear when this percentage is rather small. |