第2章 指導者と追従者 n.24 - 蟻の巣をかき回して喜ぶ心
我々の大部分は,過去のある時期に,一度は,蟻の巣を無慈悲にも(注:wantonly 理由なく)引っかきまわし,その結果生ずる,蟻たちの慌てふためく混乱を,ちょっとした(軽い)興味を持って見守った経験をもっている。ニューヨークの摩天楼のてっぺんから,(車や人間の)往来を見おろせば,下(地上)の人間は人とは思われなくなり,ほんの少し馬鹿らしさを帯びて見えてくる。 もしジュピター(注:ギリシアの神々の王=木星)のように,落雷を武器として携えていれば,その人は,ちょうど蟻の巣の場合と同様の動機から,群集の中にめがけて落雷を投げつけてみたくなる(放ちたくなる)であろう。これこそあきらかに,(前述の)ブルーノ・ムッソリーニが機上からアビシニアの人々を見おろした(見下した)時の感情であった。 ある科学的な政府があり,暗殺の恐れから、常に機上で生活し,たまに高い塔のてっぺんか海上の筏(いかだ)に設けてある浮き桟橋(landing stages)に降りてくるだけというような政府を,想像してみよう。 このような政府が一般民衆(subjects 支配対象)の幸福に何らかの深い関心を持つというようなことはありそうなことだろうか? 逆に,全てが(政府の思い通り)うまくいけば,ちょうど機械を見るのと同様の非人間的な態度で人間を見るということはほとんど確実ではないだろうか? しかし,たまたま,結局,人間は機械ではないということを示唆するようなものがあらわれると,政府は,疑われることがない自明の根本命題を,部下から疑われた人間の(ような)冷たい怒りを燃やし,苦労をほとんど伴わないやり方で(それらの)抵抗を根だやしにするということも,ほとんど確実ではないだろうか? |
Chapter II: Leaders and followers, n.24Power over men, not power over matter, is my theme in this book; but it is possible to establish a technicological (= technological) power over men which is based upon power over matter. Those who have the habit of controlling powerful mechanisms, and through this control have acquired power over human beings, may be expected to have an imaginative outlook towards their subjects which will be completely different from that of men who depend upon persuasion, however dishonest. Most of us have, at some time, wantonly disturbed an ants' nest, and watched with mild amusement the scurrying confusion that resulted. Looking down from the top of a sky-scraper on the traffic of New York, the human beings below cease to seem human, and acquire a faint absurdity. If one were armed, like Jove, with a thunderbolt, there would be a temptation to hurl it into the crowd, from the same motive as in the case of the ants' nest. This was evidently Bruno Mussolini's feeling, as he looked down upon the Abyssinians from his aeroplane. Imagine a scientific government which, from fear of assassination, lives always in aeroplanes, except for occasional descents on to landing stages on the summits of high towers or rafts on the sea. Is it likely that such a government will have any profound concern for the happiness of its subjects? Is it not, on the contrary, practically certain that it will view them, when all goes well, in the impersonal manner in which it views its machines, but that, when anything happens to suggest that after all they are not machines, it will feel the cold rage of men whose axioms are questioned by underlings, and will exterminate resistance in whatever manner involves least trouble? |