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バートランド・ラッセル 教育論 第二部 性格の教育_第11章_愛情と同情 (松下 訳) - Bertrand Russell On Education, 1926

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第11章_愛情と同情 - 戦争について教える理由


Pt.2 Education of Character - Chap.11 Affection and Sympathy

Then history may be taught, with all its wars. But in telling about wars, sympathy, at first, should be with the defeated. I should begin with battles in which it is natural to feel on the side of the beaten party--for instance, the battle of Hastings in teaching an English boy. I should emphasize always the wounds and suffering produced. I should gradually lead the child to feel no partisanship in reading about wars, and to regard both sides as silly men who had lost their tempers, and ought to have had nurses to put them to bed till they were good. I should assimilate wars to quarrels among the children in the nursery. In this way I believe children could be made to see the truth about war, and to realize that it is silly.

(掲載日:2015.05.23/更新日: )