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バートランド・ラッセル 教育論 第二部_性格の教育_第7章_自己本位(わがまま)と所有権- Bertrand Russell On Education, 1926

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幸福と健康を通して美徳を学ぶ(松下彰良 訳)


Pt.2 Education of Character - Chap. 7: Selfishness and property

While permitting a certain number of cherished possessions, it is well to encourage the habit of using toys, such as bricks, to which the child only has the exclusive right while he is using them. The Montessori apparatus is common to all the children, but so long as a child is using one piece of apparatus no other child must interfere. This develops a sense of limited tenant-right, dependent upon work ; such a sense does not run counter to anything that is desirable in later years. For very young children, this method is hardly applicable, because they are not yet sufficiently constructive. But as they acquire skill it becomes more and more possible to interest them in the process of building. So long as they know they can have the material for construction whenever they like, they will not much mind others having it too and the reluctance to sharing which they may feel at first is soon dispelled by custom. Nevertheless, when a child is old enough, he should, I think, be allowed to own books, because that will increase his love of books and therefore stimulate reading. The books that are his own property should, as far as possible, be good books, such as Lewis Carrol and Tanglewood Tales, not mere trash. If the children want trash, it should be common property.
The broad principles involved are : First, do not produce in the child a sense of thwarting from not having enough property ; this is the way to produce a miser. Secondly, allow the child private property when it stimulates a desirable activity, and, in particular, where it teaches careful handling. But subject to those limitations turn the child's attention, as far as you can, to pleasures not involving private ownership. And even where there is private ownership, do not allow the child to be mean or miserly when other children wish to be allowed to play with his things. As to this, however, the object is to induce the child to lend of his own free will; so long as authority is required, the end aimed at has not been achieved. In a happy child, it should not be difficult to stimulate a generous disposition ; but if the child is starved of pleasures, he will, of course, cling tenaciously to those that are attainable. It is not through suffering that children learn virtue, but through happiness and health.

(掲載日:2015.04.13/更新日: )