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ラッセル関係書籍の検索 ラッセルと20世紀の名文に学ぶ-英文味読の真相39 [佐藤ヒロシ]

バートランド・ラッセル教育論 第4章_恐怖心 - :Bertrand Russell On Education, 1926

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二歳から六歳までの道徳教育(松下彰良 訳)

 生後第二年は,すこぶる幸福な年であるはずである。歩くことやおしゃべりすることは,新しく身につけた能力であり,そこから,自分は自由かつ力があるという感覚を子どもにもたらす。子供は,日毎にこの二つの能力を伸ばしていく。(ラッセル注:これは,ことによると,厳密に言えば正確ではないかも知れない。大部分の子どもには,見かけ上進歩が停滞する時期があり,経験不足の親の心配の種を与える。だが,多分,こういう期間中も,容易に知覚できない仕方で進歩があるのであろう。)【岩波文庫の安藤貞雄訳では,apparent のところは「'明らかに'進歩が止まる時期がある」と訳されているが,それでは「こういう期間中も,容易に知覚できない仕方で進歩があるのであろう」という文章と矛盾してしまう。この apparent は「見かけ上は」と訳すべきであろう。】独りで遊ぶこともできるようになり,子供は「世の中を見る」ということについて,大人が地球上を最大限飛び回って得られる以上の,生き生きした感覚を持つようになる。鳥や花,川や海,自動車や汽車や汽船は全て,幼児に喜びや強い興味をもたらす。好奇心は無限である。この時期一番多く使われる言葉は,「見たい」である。小児用ベッドや乳母車に閉じこめられていた後,庭や野原や海辺を自由に走り回ることによって,解放されたという精神的高揚感がわいてくる。消化力も,通例,一年目よりも強くなり,食べ物の種類も多様化し,ものをかんで食べることも新しい喜びとなる。以上のような理由で,もし子供が世話が行き届き健康であれば,子どもにとって人生はすばらしく甘美な冒険となる。

Chap. 4: Fear

In the following chapters, I propose to deal with various aspects of moral education, especially in the years from the second to the sixth. By the time the child is six years old, moral education ought to be nearly complete ; that is to say, the further virtues which will be required in later years ought to be developed by the boy or girl spontaneously, as a result of good habits already existing and ambitions already stimulated. It is only where early moral training has been neglected or badly given that much will be needed at later ages.
I suppose that the child has reached the age of twelve months healthy and happy, with the foundations of a disciplined character already well laid by the methods considered in the preceding chapter. There will, of course, be some children whose health is bad, even if parents take all the precautions known to science at present. But we may hope that their number will be enormously diminished as time goes on. They ought, even now, to be so few as to be statistically unimportant, if existing knowledge were adequately applied. I do not propose to consider what ought to be done with children whose early training has been bad. This is a problem for the schoolmaster, not for the parent ; and it is especially to the parent that this book is addressed.
The second year of life should be one of great happiness. Walking and talking are new accomplishments, bringing a sense of freedom and power. Every day the child improves in both.(note: This is perhaps not strictly accurate. Most children have periods of apparent stagnation, which cause anxiety to inexperienced parents. But probably throughout these periods there is progress in ways that are not easily perceptible.) Independent play becomes possible, and the child has a more vivid sense of "seeing the world" than a man can derive from the most extensive globe-trotting. Birds and flowers, rivers and the sea, motor-cars and trains and steamers all bring delight and passionate interest. Curiosity is boundless : "want to see" is one of the commonest phrases at this age. Running freely in a garden or a field or on the seashore produces an ecstasy of emancipation after the confinement of cot and pram. Digestion is usually stronger than in the first year, food is more varied, and mastication is a new joy. For all these reasons, if the child is well cared for and healthy, life is a delicious adventure.

(掲載日:2015.02.28/更新日: )