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ラッセル関係書籍の検索 ラッセルと20世紀の名文に学ぶ-英文味読の真相39 [佐藤ヒロシ]

バートランド・ラッセル 教育論 第3章_生後第一年(松下 訳) - Bertrand Russell On Education, 1926

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 しかし,概して,学びたいという赤ん坊の欲求は非常に強いので,親はただ機会を提供しさえすればよい。子供に伸びるチャンスを与えれば,あとのことは子供自身の努力でやるだろう。子供に,はったり,歩いたりあるいはその他の筋肉をコントロールする初歩を教える必要はない。もちろん,私たちは,子供に話しかけることによって話すことを教えている。しかし,故意にいろいろ単語を教えようと試みることによって,何らかの目的に役立つかどうかは疑わしい。子供たちは,マイペースで学習するので,無理じいするのは誤りである。生涯を通じて,努力ヘの大きな刺激となるのは,最初の困難を切り抜けて成功するという経験である。その困難は,落胆させるほど大きくてもいけないし,努力ヘの刺激にならないほど小さくてもいけない。生まれてから死ぬまで,これは根本的な原則である。私たちは,自分でやってみることによって学ぶ。大人にできることは,子供がやってみたいと思うような簡単な動作 -たとえば,ガラガラを鳴らすなど- をやってみせて,そうして,子供がそのやり方を見つけるようにすることである。(その子ども以外の)他の人がやってみせることは,(子どもの)野心への刺激にすぎない。それ自体で教育となるわけでは決してない。
(Pt.2 Education of Character)
Chap. 3: The first year (OE03-080)

But on the whole an infant's desire to learn is so strong that parents need only provide opportunity. Give the child a chance to develop, and his own efforts will do the rest. It is not necessary to teach a child to crawl, or to walk, or to learn any of the other elements of muscular control. Of course we teach a child to talk by talking to it, but I doubt whether any purpose is served by deliberate attempts to teach words. Children learn at their own pace, and it is a mistake to try to force them. The great incentive to effort, all through life, is experience of success after initial difficulties. The difficulties must not be so great as to cause discouragement, or so small as not to stimulate effort. From birth to death, this is a fundamental principle. It is by what we do ourselves that we learn. What grown-up people can do is to perform some simple action that the child would like to perform, such as rattling a rattle, and then let the child find out how to do it. What others do is merely a stimulus to ambition ; it is never in itself an education.
Regularity and routine are of the utmost importance in early childhood, and most of all in the first year of life. In regard to sleep, food, and evacuation, regular habits should be formed from the start. Moreover, familiarity of surroundings is very important mentally. It teaches recognition, it avoids overstrain, and it produces a feeling of safety. I have sometimes thought that belief in the uniformity of nature, which is said to be a postulate of science, is entirely derived from the wish for safety. We can cope with the expected, but if the laws of nature were suddenly changed we should perish. The infant, because of its weakness, has need of reassurance, and it will be happier if everything that happens seems to happen according to invariable laws, so as to be predictable. ln later childhood, the love of adventure develops, but in the first year of life everything unusual tends to be alarming. Do not let the child feel fear if you can possibly help it. If it is ill, and you are anxious, hide your anxiety very carefully, lest it should pass to the child by suggestion. Avoid everything that might produce excitement. And do not minister to the child's self-importance by letting it see that you mind if it does not sleep or eat or evacuate as it should. This applies not only to the first year of life, but still more to the subsequent years. Never let the child think that a necessary normal action, such as eating, which ought to be a pleasure, is something that you desire, and that you want it to do to please you. If you do, the child soon perceives that it has acquired a new source of power, and expects to be coaxed into actions which it ought to perform spontaneously. Do not imagine that the child has not the intelligence for such behaviour. Its powers are small and its knowledge is limited, but it has just as much intelligence as a grown-up person where these limitations do not operate. It learns more in the first twelve months than it will ever learn again in the same space of time, and this would be impossible if it had not a very active intelligence.
To sum up: Treat even the youngest baby with respect, as a person who will have to take his place in the world. Do not sacrifice his future to your present convenience, or to your pleasure in making much of him : the one is as harmful as the other. Here, as elsewhere, a combination of love and knowledge is necessary if the right way is to be followed.

(掲載日:2015.02.27/更新日: )