生後二,三ケ月頃,赤ん坊は(親の表情をまねして)微笑むようになり,また,物に対する感情とは異なった感情を(赤ん坊は)人間に対して持つようになる。この時期に,母と子(赤ん坊)の間に社会的な関係が可能になりはじめる。即ち,赤ん坊は,母親を見ると喜びを表すことができまた実際に喜びを表し,単に動物的ではないいろいろな反応を発達させる。すぐに,褒められたり認められたりしたいという欲望が発達する。。私の息子(注:1921年に生まれたラッセルの初めての子どもジョンのこと)の場合,その欲望は,生後五ケ月の時,初めてはっきりと示された。彼はいろいろ試みたあげく,テーブルからいくらか重い鈴を持ち上げ,それを鳴らしながら,得意そうな微笑みを浮かべて,みんなの顔を見回したのである。この瞬間から,教育者は,新しい武器を手にしたことになる。即ち,褒めること(注:飴)と,叱ること(注:鞭)である。この武器は,子供の時期を通して強力な効果を発揮する。しかし,使用するときは細心の注意が必要である。生後一年間は,まったく叱ってはいけない。また,その後も,叱ることはごく控えめにしなければならない。褒めるほうは害がより少ない。だが,その価値がなくなるほど簡単に褒めてはいけないし,子供を過度に評価するために褒めてはいけない。子供が初めて歩いたり,初めて意味のわかる単語を言ったりした時には,どんなに我慢強い親でも褒めずにはいられない。そして,一般的に言って,子供が継続的な努力をした後に,何か困難なことをマスターしたときには,褒めてあげることは適切なご褒美である。さらに,学びたいという自分の欲求に親も賛成しているということを子供に感じとらせることはよいことである。 |
Pt.2 Education of Character - Chap. 3: The first yearThe first three months of life are, on the whole, a somewhat dreary time for the infant, except during the moments when it is enjoying its meals. When it is comfortable, it sleeps., when it is awake, there is usually some discomfort. The happiness of a human being depends upon mental capacities, but these can find little outlet in an infant under three months, for lack of experience and muscular control. Young animals enjoy life much sooner, because they depend more upon instinct and less upon experience ; but the things an infant can do by instinct are too few to provide more than a minimum of pleasure and interest. On the whole, the first three months involve a good deal of boredom. But the boredom is necessary if there is to be enough sleep; if much is done to amuse the child, it will not sleep enough.At about the age of two to three months, the child leans to smile, and to have feelings about persons which are different from its feelings about things. At this age a social relation between mother and child begins to be possible : the child can and does show pleasure at the sight of the mother, and develops responses which are not merely animal. Very soon a desire for praise and approval grows up; in my own boy, it was first shown unmistakably at the age of five months, when he succeeded, after many attempts, in lifting a somewhat heavy bell off the table, and ringing it while he looked round at everybody with a proud smile. From this moment, the educator has a new weapon: praise and blame. This weapon is extraordinarily powerful throughout childhood, but it must be used with great caution. There should not be any blame at all during the first year, and afterwards it should be used very sparingly. Praise is less harmful. But it should not be given so easily as to lose its value, nor should it be used to over-stimulate a child. No tolerable parent could refrain from praising a child when it first walks and when it first says an intelligible word. And generally, when a child has mastered a difficulty after persistent efforts, praise is a proper reward. Moreover, it is well to let the child feel that you sympathize with his desire to learn. |
(掲載日:2015.02.25/更新日: )