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バートランド・ラッセル 教育論 第2章 教育の目的(松下彰良 訳) - Bertrand Russell On Education, 1926

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* 山崎拓は頻繁にラッセルを引用しているが,どれだけラッセル思想を理解しているのだろうか!? 因みに,第140回衆議院本会議(平成9年1月22日)で,「・・・。イギリスの哲学者バートランド・ラッセルは,近代国家が持つべき必須要素として,第一に活力に富むことを挙げています。」と引用しており,個人の理想的な性格を基礎付ける特質」の'活力'が「国家の理想的な性格を基礎付ける特質」になってしまっている。

第2章_教育の目的 -望ましい4つの特質


Chap. 2 The Aims of Education (OE02-110)

I will take four characteristics which seem to me jointly to form the basis of an ideal character; vitality, courage, sensitiveness and intelligence. I do not suggest that this list is complete, but I think it carries us a good way. Moreover, I firmly believe that, by proper physical, emotional and intellectual care of the young, these qualities could all be made very common. I shall consider each in turn.

Bertrand Russell Quotes 366
Vitality is rather a physiological than a mental characteristic; it is presumably always present where there is perfect health, but it tends to ebb with advancing years, and gradually dwindles to nothing in old age. In vigorous children it quickly rises to a maximum before they reach school age, and then tends to be diminished by education. Where it exists, there is pleasure in feeling alive, quite apart from any specific pleasant circumstances. It heightens pleasures and diminishes pains. It makes it easy to take an interest in whatever occurs, and thus promotes objectivity, which is an essential of sanity. Human beings are prone to become absorbed in themselves, unable to be interested in what they see and hear or in anything outside their own skins. This is a great misfortune to themselves, since it entails at best boredom and at worst melancholia; it is also a fatal barrier to usefulness, except in very exceptional cases. Vitality promotes interest in the outside world; it also promotes the power of hard work. Moreover, it is a safeguard against envy, because it makes one's own existence pleasant. As envy is one of the great sources of human misery, this is a very important merit in vitality. Many bad qualities are of course compatible with vitality - for example, those of a healthy tiger. And many of the best qualities are compatible with its absence: Newton and Locke, for example, had very little. Both these men, however, had irritabilities and envies from which better health would have set them free. Probably the whole of Newton's controversy with Leibniz, which ruined English mathematics for over a hundred years, would have been avoided if Newton had been robust and able to enjoy ordinary pleasures. In spite of its limitations, therefore, I reckon vitality among the qualities which it is important that all men should possess.

(掲載日:2006.12.20 更新日:)