ケネデイ大統領暗殺事件(松下彰良 訳)
ケネデイ大統領暗殺に関する新聞報道及び,その後オズワルドに不利な証拠といわれるものやルビーによるオズワルドの狙撃に関する報道を読んだ時,はなはだしい誤りがあったように,また,おそらく非常に不潔な何かが隠蔽されつつあるように,私には思われた。1963年6月,オズワルドの母親のために事件について独自に調査していたニューヨークの弁護士マーク・レーン(Mark Lane,1927~ )に会った時,彼がそれまでに収集していた事実によって私の疑念が強まった。平和財団関係の誰もが私の見解に同意した。そこで,マーク・レーンを支援するため,また彼が発見した事実の内容を一般に知らせるために,個々できることをまた共同でできることをすべて行った。使われた揉み消し手段,否定された事実,また無視された事実からみて,非常に重要な(いくつかの)論点が問題であった(未解決であった)ことはまったく明らかであった。マーク・レーンが,この事件と関連のある事実を追求した精力と機敏さだけでなく,彼がそうした事実を提示した周到な客観性にも大いに印象づけられた(感銘した)。そうした事実そのものに本来そなわっていないような意味を推論したり,あるいはほのめかしたりするようなことは決してしなかった。 |
v.3,chap.4: Foundation Less than two months after the Foundation was established I, in common with the rest of the world, was shocked by the news of the murder of President Kenedy. Perhaps I was less surprised by this vicious attack than many people were because for a number of years I had been writing about the growing acceptance of unbridled violence in the world and particularly in the United States. Some of my articles on this subject were published, but some were too outspoken for the editors of the publications that had commissioned them. As I read the press reports in regard to the President's assassination and, later, the purported evidence against Oswald and his shooting by Ruby, it seemed to me that there had been an appalling miscarriage of justice and that probably something very nasty was being covered up. When in June, 1963, I met Mark Lane, the New York lawyer who, originally, had been looking into the affair on behalf of Oswald's mother, my suspicions were confirmed by the facts which he had already gathered. Everyone connected with the Foundation agreed with my point of views and we did everything that we could, individually and together, to help Mark Lane and to spread the knowledge of his findings. It was quite clear from the hushing-up methods employed and the facts that were denied or passed over that very important issues were at stake. I was greatly impressed, not only by the energy and astuteness with which Mark Lane pursued the relevant facts, but by the scrupulous objectivity with which he presented them, never inferring or implying meanings not inherent in the facts themselves. |