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ラッセル関係書籍の検索 ラッセルと20世紀の名文に学ぶ-英文味読の真相39 [佐藤ヒロシ]

バートランド・ラッセル自伝 第3巻第3章 トラファルガー広場 33-01 - The Autobiography of Bertrand Russell, v.3

前ページ 次ページ v.3,chap.3 (Trafalgar Square) 目次  Contents (総目次)

1957年,アラン・ウッドの死(松下彰良 訳)

あるいは アマゾンで購入
 1957年の初めの5ケ月間,私はBBCの非常に多くの放送番組に出演した(← BBCからきわめて多くの放送をした。)(右のアラン・ウッド夫妻写真出典:Alan Wood's Bertrand Russell, a Passionate Sceptic, 1957)その最後の放送番組は,ほとんど,アラン・ウッドが書いた私の伝記の出版に関連しての,アラン・ウッドと私とBBCの代表者との間の対談であった(注:ラッセルが1957年に執筆した論文等。アランはこのインタービューにひどく失望させられた。彼の放送番組出演経験は私よりも少なかった。それで彼は,BBC代表のその女性がリハーサルの時にはしなかった質問 -ありていに言えば,私の私生活のような主題に関する質問- を私たちにした時に,ひどく驚いた。私たちは二人とも彼女の質問によっていささか当惑した。けれども,アランのその本自体は,あまり熱をこめた宣伝がされなかったにもかかわらず,非常に評判が良かった。私には,それはとても素晴らしい著作だと思われる。(参考:野田又夫による書評・紹介 「A.ウッド(著),碧海純一(訳)『バートランド・ラッセル-情熱の懐疑家』について」[『みずず』1963年4月号掲載]

v.3,chap.3: Trafalgar Square

During the first five months of 1957 I made a great many broadcasts for the BBC. Almost the last of these was an interview between Alan Wood and myself and a representative of the BBC in connection with Alan's publication of his biography of me. Alan was bitterly disappointed by this interview. His experienee of broadcasting was less than mine and so he was considerably surprised when the lady who represented the BBC asked us questions which she had not asked at our rehearsal, indeed which concerned subjects such as my private life. We were both somewhat disconcerted by her questions. However, the book itself had a good reception in spite of being rather tepidly advertised. It seems to me to be an excellent piece of work.
I very much hope that Alan was happy in the reviews given to the book. We launched it pleasantly among some of my old friends and relations at a small party at Millbank on my birthday. This was almost the last time that I saw Alan. He fell very ill shortly after this and died in October. A little over two months later, his wife. Mary, died. It was a heart-breaking loss. They were young and happy and clever and able, and full of plans for their future and that of their two small sons. Their loss to me was incalculable. I not only was very fond of them, but had come to depend upon their knowledge of everything to do with me and their sympathetic understanding, and I greatly enjoyed their companionship.
It must be said that there were limitations to Alan's understanding of the matters discussed in my books. This showed particularly in regard to political matters. I regarded him as rather conservative, and he regarded me as more radical than I was or am. When I argued that everybody ought to have a vote, he thought that I was maintaining that all men are equal in ability. I only disabused him of this belief by pointhg out that I had supported eugenics, which is concerned with differences in natural ability. Such disagreements, however, never marred our friendship, and never intruded in purely philosophical conversations.