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ラッセル関係書籍の検索 ラッセルと20世紀の名文に学ぶ-英文味読の真相39 [佐藤ヒロシ]

バートランド・ラッセル自伝 第3巻第2章 国の内外で 32-22 - The Autobiography of Bertrand Russell, v.3

前ページ 次ページ  v.3,chap.2 (At home and abroad) 目次  Contents (総目次)

ラッセル=アインシュタイン声明発表の記者会見の準備(松下彰良 訳)

あるいは アマゾンで購入
 (1955年)6月となったが,科学者たちに送った私の手紙に対する返事は,まだ全て届いているわけではなかった。いずれにせよ,その声明(文)をどのような方法で公表すべきかについて何らかの具体的な計画を立てなければならないと思った。その声明(文)について,即ち,その声明(文)の趣旨とそれを支持した人々が卓越した人々であることについて,一般の注意を喚起するために劇的なスタート(発進)を行わなければならない,と感じた。多くの計画を捨てた後,専門家の助言を得ることを決意した。私は,オブザーヴァー紙の編集主幹を少し知っており,彼はリベラルでありかつ私に好意を持っている,と信じていた。彼はそのとおりの人(リベラルかつラッセルに好意的)であることがわかった。彼はさっそくこの問題について議論するために,同僚たちを集めてくれた。彼らは,その声明(文)が書かれ,様々の信条を持つ多数の著名な科学者たちが署名したという事実を単に公表するだけでなく,それ以上の何かをなす必要があるということで意見が一致した。彼等は,私が記者会見を開き,声明(文)を読みあげ,質問に応えることを提案した。実際には彼らはその提案以上のことをしてくれた。彼等は,記者会見が終わるまで(この件が一段落するまで/not untile later自分たちがそうしたことを一般に知らせないという条件で,この会議を準備し,経費を負担することを申し出てくれた。最終的にこの記者会見を1955年7月9日に開くことが決定された。(記者会見の)一週間前にロンドンのキャクストン・ホール(Caxton Hall)の一室が予約された。記者会見への招待状が,BBCをはじめ在ロンドンの外国のラジオやテレビの代表はもとより,全ての新聞社の編集主幹及び各国新聞社の代表に送られた。招待状には,ただ世界的関心事のある重要なことが発表される記者会見が開かれるということだけしか書かれていなかった。その反響は我々を鼓舞するものであり,予約した部屋をそのホールのなかで一番広い部室に変更しなければならなかった。

v.3,chap.2: At home and abroad

June came and still all the replies to my letters to the scientists had not been received. I felt that in any case some concrete plan must be made as to how the manifesto should be publicised. It seemed to me that it should be given a dramatic launching in order to call attention to it, to what it said and to the eminence of those who upheld it. After discarding many plans, I decided to get expert advice. I knew the editor of the Observer slightly and believed him to be liberal and sympathetic. He proved at that time to be both. He called in colleagues to discuss the matter. They agreed that something more was needed than merely publishing the fact that the manifesto had been written and signed by a number of eminent scientists of varying ideologies. They suggested that a press conference should be held at which I should read the document and answer questions about it. They did far more than this. They offered to arrange and finance the conference with the proviso that it not become, until later, public knowledge that they had done so. It was decided finally that the conference should take place on July 9th (1955). A room was engaged in Caxton Hall a week before. Invitations were sent to the editors of all the journals and to the representatives of foreign journals as well as to the BBC and representatives of foreign radio and TV in London. This invitation was merely to a conference at which something important of world-wide interest was to be published. The response was heartening and the room had to be changed to the largest in the Hall.
It was a dreadful week. All day long the telephone rang and the doorbell pealed. Journalists and wireless directors wanted to be told what this important piece of news was to be. Each hoped, apparently, for a scoop. Three times daily someone from the Daily Worker rang to say that their paper had not been sent an invitation. Daily, three times, they were told that they had been invited. But they seemed to be so used to being cold-shouldered that they could not believe it. After all, though they could not be told this, one purpose of the manifesto was to encourage co-operation between the communist and the non-communist world. The burden of all this flurry fell upon my wife and my house-keeper. I was not permitted to appear or to speak on the telephone except to members of the family. None of us could leave the house. I spent the week sitting in a chair in my study trying to read. At intervals, I was told later, I muttered dismally, 'This is going to be a damp squib'. My memory is that it rained during the entire week and was very cold.