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ラッセル関係書籍の検索 ラッセルと20世紀の名文に学ぶ-英文味読の真相39 [佐藤ヒロシ]

バートランド・ラッセル自伝 第3巻第2章 国の内外で - The Autobiography of Bertrand Russell, v.3

 前ページ 次ページ v.3,chap.2 (At home and abroad) 目次  Contents (総目次)

ラッセル家の伝説(松下彰良 訳)

あるいは アマゾンで購入
 エディスも私も,それぞれの家系に語るべき'伝説'があった。ラッセル家の伝説は,ロンドン塔におけるアン・ブーリン(注:ヘンリー八世の2番目の妻。不義密通の罪に問われる)の死(刑死)の合図を馬上で見守っていた(注:on his Mount なぜ大文字なのか?)ヘンリー八世(1491-1547)とともに始まった。ラッセル家の始祖(創始者)はヘンリー八世の子分をしていた。我が家の伝説は,1815年に行なわれた祖父(注:John Russell, 1792-1878:1813年に初当選)の(英国議会での)演説まで続いた。祖父は,(ウォーターロー会戦の前)ナポレオンと対抗してはならないと主張した。その後,祖父はエルバ島に(島流しにあっていた)ナポレオンを訪ねた。ナポレオンは,祖父を愛想よく迎え,祖父の耳をつまんでひっぱった。その後はわが家の武勇談にもかなりの間空白があったが,最後にこういうことがあった。イラン国王が国賓として訪英しリッチモンド・パークに来たとき雨にあい,ペンブローク・ロッジに雨宿りせざるを得なかったことがあった。聞いたところによると,祖父がこんなに小さな家で申し訳ないと国王に言ったところ,それに答えて王がこう言ったそうである。「ええ,でも,この家には偉人が住んでいます。」


v.3,chap.2: At home and abroad

Edith and I each had family myths to relate. Mine began with Henry VIII, of whom the founder of my family had been a protégé, watching on his Mount for the signal of Anne Boleyn's death at the Tower. It continued to my grandfather's speech in 1815, urging (before Waterloo) that Napoleon should not be opposed. Next came his visit to Elba, in which Napoleon was affable and tweaked his ear. After this, there was a considerable gap in the saga, until the occasion when the Shah, on a State visit, was caught in the rain in Richmond Park and was compelled to take refuge in Pemroke Lodge. My grandfather (so I was told) apologised for its being such a small house, to which the Shah replied: 'Yes, but it contains a great man.' There was a very wide view of the Thames valley from Pembroke Lodge marred, in my grandmother's opinion, by a prominent factory chimney. When she was asked about this chimney, she used to reply, smiling: 'Oh, that's not a factory chimney, that's the monument to the Middlesex Martyr.'
Edith's family myths, as I came to know them, seemed to me far more romantic; an ancestor who in 1640 or thereabouts was either hanged or carried of by the Red Indians; the adventures of her father among the Indians when he was a little boy and his family for a short time lived a pioneering life in Colorado; attics full of pillions and saddles on which members of her family had ridden from New England to the Congress at Philadelphia; tales of canoeing and of swimming in rocky streams near where Eunice Williams, stolen away by the Indians in the great massacre at Deerfield, Massachusetts, was killed. It might have been a chapter from Fennimore Cooper. In the Civil War, Edith's people were divided between North and South Among them were two brothers, one of them (a Southern General) at the end had to surrender his sword to his brother, who was a Northern General. She herself had been born and brought up in New York City, which, as she remembered it, seemed very like the New York of my youth of cobbled streets and hansom cabs and no motor cars.