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ラッセル関係書籍の検索 ラッセルと20世紀の名文に学ぶ-英文味読の真相39 [佐藤ヒロシ]

バートランド・ラッセル自伝 第3巻第1章 英国への帰国 - The Autobiography of Bertrand Russell, v.3

 前ページ 次ページ v.3,chap.1 (Return to England) 目次 Contents (総目次)

ノーベル文学賞授与(松下彰良 訳)

 1950年末,ノーベル賞を受けとるためにストックフォルムに呼ばれた時, いくらか驚いたことに,文学賞であり,私の著書『結婚と性道徳』(Marriagwe and Morals, 1929)に対するものであったが,不安であった。(右欄写真出典:R. Clark's Bertrand Russell and His World, c.1981)なぜかというと,ちょうど300年前の冬,デカルト(Rene Descartes, 1596-1650.2.11)がクリスティナ女王に招かれてスカンジナヴィアヘ行って風邪をひいて死んだことを思い出したからである。けれども,温かく保たれ,快適であり,また,-ほんの少し期待はずれであったが- 雪は降らずに雨だった。式典行事(ノーベル賞授与式)は,非常に厳かなものであったが,心地よいものであり,私はそれを楽しんだ。別のある受賞者は気の毒であった。彼は,まったく哀れに見え,非常にはにかみやだったので頑なに誰にも話しかけようとしなかった。また,我々皆と同じ様に,公式に受賞記念講演をしなければならなかった時,何を言っているのか良く聞きとれなかった。晩餐会の席での私の話相手は,ジョリオ・キュリー夫人>(Ire`ne Joliot-Curie,1897-1956.03.17:原子物理学者,夫とともに1935年にノーベル化学賞受賞(下写真左の女性)/女性で最初にノーベル賞をとったのは母親のマリー・キュリー)であり,彼女の話はとても興味深かった。
 私と一緒にノーベル賞を受賞した他の2,3人が,私の記念講演を注意深く傾聴し重要性なしとしない(=重要である)と考えてくれたことがわかった。その後私は,ノーベル賞受賞講演(Politically Important desires)を私の著作『倫理と政治における人間社会』(Human Society in Ethics and Politics, 1954)の第二部に収録して出版した。またその蓄音機用レコード(グラモフォン)がアメリカで作られ,有り難いことに,私の想像以上に多くの人々に影響を与えたとのことであった。

v.3,chap.1: Return to England

When I was called to Stockholm, at the end of 1950, to receive the Nobel Prize - somewhat to my surprise, for literature, for my book Marriage and Morals - I was apprehensive, since I remembered that, exactly three hundred years earlier, Descartes had been called to Scandinavia by Queen Christina in the winter time and had died of the cold. However, we were kept warm and comfortable, and instead of snow, we had rain, which was a slight disappointment. The occasion, though very grand, was pleasant and I enjoyed it. I was sorry for another prize winner who looked utterly miserable and was so shy that he refused to speak to anyone and could not make himself heard when he had to make his formal speech as we all had to do. My dinner companion was Madame Joliot-Curie and I found her talk interesting. At the evening party given by the King, an Aide-de-Camp came to say that the King wished to talk with me. He wanted Sweden to join with Norway and Denmark against the Russians. I said that it was obvious, if there were a war between the West and the Russians, the Russians could only get to Norwegian ports through and over Swedish territory. The King approved of this observation. I was rather pleased, too, by my speech, especially by the mechanical sharks, concerning whom I said:
'I think every big town should contain artificial waterfalls that people could descend in very fragile canoes, and they should contain bathing pools full of mechanical sharks. Any person found advocating a preventive war should be condemned to two hours a day with these ingenious monsters.'
I found that two or three fellow Nobel prize-winners listened to what I had to say and considered it not without importance. Since then I have published it in Part II of my book Human Society in Ethics and Politics and a gramophone record has been made of it in America. I have heard that it has affected many people more than I had thought which is gratifying.