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ラッセル関係書籍の検索 ラッセルと20世紀の名文に学ぶ-英文味読の真相39 [佐藤ヒロシ]

バートランド・ラッセル自伝 第3巻第1章 英国への帰国 - The Autobiography of Bertrand Russell, v.3

前ページ 次ページ  v.3,chap.1 (Return to England) 目次  Contents (総目次)

アリス・スプリングスにて(松下彰良 訳)

あるいは アマゾンで購入
 1950年6月末,オーストラリア国際問題研究所(Australian Institute of International Affairs)の招きに応じてオーストラリアに行き,多くの大学で冷戦に関連する主題について各地で講演をした。そして,私はこの主題(冷戦)を緩やかに解釈し,講演では産業主義(工業主義)の将来に関する考察を扱った。当時のオーストラリアでは労働党が政権をとっていた。そして,中国,(中国以外では)特に日本に対する憎悪と恐怖(注:1949年,中国に共産主義政権誕生)が激しかったことは理解できることであったが,それにもかかわらず,その後16年間に(明らかになったと思われる事態と)比べれば,事態はより良くまたより希望が持てると思われた(注:このくだりを,ラッセルは,16年後の1967年前後に執筆していたと思われる。)。私は,オーストラリアの人々に好感を持ち,国土の広大さと,普通の私的な会話や噂話がラジオで伝えられている事実によって大いに印象づけられた。また国土が広く,人々が比較的分散して住んでいるために,図書館書店の数が感動的なほど多く,かつ良質だった。彼らは,他のどの国でみるよりも読書に親しんでいた。私は,各州の州都や,また,孤立したところにあったので是非行きたいと思っていたアリス・スプリングス(Alice Springs)に案内してもらった。アリス・スプリングは農業の中心地であり,主に羊の牧場主たちが住んでいた。私は立派な刑務所を見せられたが,そこの独房は居心地が良いと確信した。なぜ独房がそんなに快適に作られているのかと理由を聞いたところ,次のような返事だった。「ああ,それは,一時期指導的な市民だった人々がすべていま投獄されているからです!」。また,彼らは可能なときはいつでも,予想通り,定期的に,お互い羊を盗みあっています,と聞かされた。
 私は,タスマニアを除き,オーストラリア全土を訪ねた。(右上写真出典:The Life of Bertrand Russell in pictures and in his own words, comp. by C. Farley nad D. Hodgson, c1972)朝鮮戦争1950年6月25日-1953年7月27日)の真っ最中であり,朝鮮戦争が勃発した時には,クイーンズランドの北部地方は住民がまったくいなくなり空っぽになってしまったが,私が訪れた時には再び人が住むようになったということを教えてもらい,驚いた。(注:ラッセルがオーストラリアを訪れたのが1950年6月末であり,朝鮮戦争の勃発が1950年6月25日であることに注意。1週間くらいでもどったということか?)
 私とオーストラリア政府とのこれ以外の接触は,灌漑に関することだった。オーストラリアには「雪に覆われた山脈」(Snowy Mountains)と呼ばれるひと続きの丘陵地帯があり,これらの山脈を灌概の目的で活用するという連邦政府の計画があった。ちょうど私が滞在していた頃,その恩恵にあずかれない諸州の働きかけによってこの計画は行き詰まっていた。それで,この提案中の灌概計画を,灌漑のためというよりも,むしろ防衛上のためということで擁護し,そうしてオーストラリア政治におけるありふれた問題である州間の紛争を回避しようという計画が推進されつつあった。私はこの計画を支持する演説をした。

v.3,chap.1: Return to England

From: Google Map, c2009
At the end of June, 1950, I went to Australia in response to an invitation by the Australian Institute of International Affairs to give lectures at various universities on subjects connected with the Cold War. I interpreted this subject liberally and my lectures dealt with speculation about the future of industrialism. There was a Labour Govemment there and, in spite of the fact that the hatred and fear of China and, especially, Japan, was understandably fierce, things seemed better and more hopefull than they appeared to become in the following sixteen years. I liked the people and I was greatly impressed by the size of the country and the fact that ordinary private conversations, gossips, were conducted by radio. Because of the size, too, and people's relative isolation, the libraries and bookshops were impressively numerous and good, and people read more than elsewhere. I was taken to the capitals, and to Alice Springs which I wanted to see because it was so isolated. It was a centre for agriculture and inhabited chiefly by sheep owners. I was shown a fine gaol where I was assured that the cells were comfortable. In reply to my query as to why, I was told: 'Oh, because all the leading citizens at one time or another are in gaol.' I was told that, expectedly and regularly, whenever possible, they stole each other's sheep.
I visited all parts of Australia except Tasmania. The Korean War was in full swing, and I learnt to my surprise that the northern parts of Queensland had, when war broke out, been evacuated, but were again inhabited when I was there.
The Government, I found, treated the Aborigines fairly well, but the police and the public treated them abominably. I was taken by a public official whose duty it was to look after Aborigines to see a village in which all the inhabitants were native Australians. One complained to us that he had had a bicycle which had been stolen, and he displayed marked unwillingness to complain to the police about it. I asked my conductor why, and he explained that any native who appealed to thc police would be grossly ill-treated by them. I observed, myself, that white men generally spoke abusively to the Aborigines.
My other contact with the Government concerned irrigation. There is a chain of hills called 'Snowy Mountains' and there was a Federal scheme to utilise these mountains for purposes of irrigation. When I was there the scheme was bogged down by the operation of States which would not benefit by it. A scheme was being pushed to advocate the proposed irrigation on the grounds of defence rather than of irrigation, thus avoiding conflicts of States which are a standard problem in Australian politics. I spoke in favour of this scheme.
I was kept very busy making speeches and being interviewed by journalists and, at the end of my stay, I was presented with a beautifully bound book of press cuttings which I cherish, though I do not like much of what the jourulists report me as saying of myself. I had advocated birth control on some occasion and naturally the Roman Catholics did not approve of me, and the Archbishop of Melbourne said publicly that I had been at one time excluded from the United States by the United States Government. This was not true; and I spoke of suing him, but a group of journalists questioned him on the point and he admitted his error publicly, which was a disappointment, since it meant that I had to relinquish the hope of receiving damage from an Archbishop.