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ラッセル関係書籍の検索 ラッセルと20世紀の名文に学ぶ-英文味読の真相39 [佐藤ヒロシ]

バートランド・ラッセル自伝 第3巻第1章 - 英国への帰国 31-11 - The Autobiography of Bertrand Russell, v.3

前ページ 次ページ  v.3,chap.1 (Return to England) 目次  Contents (総目次)

世界政府の必要性(松下彰良 訳)

あるいは アマゾンで購入
 私は一連の講義の中で,人類の進歩のために必要な各個人の創意(自発性)の度合いと,社会が生き残るために必要な社会的結合の度合いとを,どのように(どのような割合で)結合することができるか検討すべきだということを提言した。これは大きな問題であり,私がその問題についてここで述べようとすることは,その連続講義に対する注釈に他ならないし,その本(Authority and the Individual)を執筆後に私の関心をひいた(関連する)諸問題について,時々に行った展開にすぎない。私の考えでは,問題は,社会は人類の安心・安全と正義を確保するとともに進歩も達成するために努力しなければならない,ということに帰着する。そのためには,国家という一つの確立された体制をもつ必要であるとともに,個人の自由ももつ(保持する)必要がある。そして,個人の自由(後者)を確保するためには,文化的な諸問題を既存の体制(支配体制)からきり離す必要がある。現在,安心・安全が望まれる最も主要な問題は,敵国から国の安全を守るということであり,それを達成するためには,国際的な問題に関しては,諸国政府を支配するに足るだけの強力な世界政府が確立されなければならない。

v.3,chap.1: Return to England

I proposed in these lectures to consider how we could combine that degree of individual initiative which is necessary for progress with the degree of social cohesion that is necessary for survival. This is a large subject, and the remarks that I shall make upon it here are no more than annotations on the lectures and sometimes expansions of subjects that have interested me since writing the book.
The problem comes down, in my view, to the fact that society should strive to obtain security and justice for human beings and, also, progress. To obtain these it is necessary to have an established framework, the State, but, also, individual freedom. And in order to obtain the latter, it is necessary to separate cultural matters from the Establishment. The chief matter in which security is desirable now is security of nations against hostile enemies, and to achieve this a world government must be established that is strong enough to hold sway over national governments in international matters.
Since no defence is possible for a single nation against a more powerful nation or a group of such nations, a nation's safety in international matters must depend upon outside protection. Aggression against a single nation by another nation or group of nations must be opposed by international law and not left to the wilful initiative of some warlike State. If this is not done, any State may at any moment be totally destroyed. Changes in weapons may frequently alter the balance of power. It happened, for example, between France and England in the fifteenth century when the Powers ceased to defend castles and came to depend upon moving armies with artillery. This put an end to the feudal anarchy which had until then been common. In like manner, nuclear weapons must, if peace is to exist, put an end to war between nations and introduce the practical certainty of victory for an international force in any possible contest. The introduction of such a reform is difficult since it requires that the international Power should be so armed as to be fairly certain of victory in warfare with any single State.