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バートランド・ラッセル 自伝 第2巻第1章
少なくとも共犯の罪は犯さず(松下彰良 訳)

The Autobiography of Bertrand Russell, v.1

前ページ 次ページ v.2,chap.1 (The First War) 目次 Contents (総目次)
* 右欄上写真出典:R. Clark's Bertrand Russell and His World, 1981.
* ベルサイユ条約

第一章 第一次世界大戦)(承前)

When the War was over, I saw that all I had done had been totally useless except to myself. I had not saved a single life or shortened the War by a minute. I had not succeeded in doing anything to diminish the bitterness which caused the Treaty of Versailles. But at any late I had not been an accomplice in the crime of all the belligerent nations, and for myself I had acquired a new philosophy and a new youth. I had got rid of the don and the Puritan. I had learned an understanding of instinctive processes which I had not possessed before, and I had acqired a certain poise from having stood so long alone. In the days of the Armistice men had high hopes of Wilson. Other men found their inspiration in Bolshevik Russia. But when I found that neither of these sources of optimism was available for me, I was nevertheless able not to despair. It is my deliberate expectation that the worst is to come,' but I do not on that account cease to believe that men and women will ultimately learn the simple secret of instinctive joy.
(掲載日:2006.10.20 更新日:2011.8.4)