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バートランド・ラッセル自伝 第1巻第1章 - お気に入りの賛美歌(松下彰良・訳) - The Autobiography of Bertrand Russell, v.1

前ページ 次ページ 第1巻 第1章(幼少時代)累積版 総目次


(訳注: 'own' children と書かれているので,夫んジョン・ラッセルの連れ子は含まれておらず、祖母の実子だけのことだけを言っていると思われます。)

I was, in fact, unusually prone to a sense of sin. When asked what was my favourite hymn, I answered: 'Weary of earth and laden with my sin.' On one occasion when my grandmother read the parable of the Prodigal Son at family prayers, I said to her afterwards: 'I know why you read that because I broke my jug.' She used to relate the anecdote in after years with amusement, not realizing that she was responsible for a morbidness which had produced tragic results in her own children.