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ラッセル関係書籍の検索 ラッセルと20世紀の名文に学ぶ-英文味読の真相39 [佐藤ヒロシ]

バートランド・ラッセル自伝 第1巻第1章 - アガサおばさん(松下彰良・訳) - The Autobiography of Bertrand Russell, v.1

前ページ 次ページ 第1巻 第1章(幼少時代)累積版 総目次

 アガサおばさんは,ペンブローク・ロッジに住んでいた大人のなかで一番若かった。事実,彼女は私より19歳年上であるにすぎず,私がペンブローク・ロッジに(1876年2月,ラッセル3歳9ケ月の時に)来たとき,彼女は22歳であった。(訳注:それだけ年寄りに囲まれて暮らしていたという wit) 私がペンブローク・ロッジに来た最初の数年,彼女は私を教育しようとして,さまざまの試みをしたが,大きな成果はあげられなかった。
 それから彼女は読むことを教えようと試みた。しかしそれはとても私の力の及ぶところではなかった。たった一語,彼女が教えてくれたもので読めるようになったものがある。それは「or」という語であった。他にも短い単語で覚えたものがいくつかあたったが,どういう単語であったかまったく記憶にない。彼女はがっかりしたにちがいないが,私は5歳になるほんの少し前に幼稚園にやられるようになった。幼稚園は,ついに読むという困難な技術を私に教えこむことに成功した。私が6つか7つになると彼女は再度私をとりもどし,そうして'英国憲政史'を教えてくれた (松下注:日高氏は,English Constitutional history を「英語の構造上の歴史」と誤訳されているが,Constitutional と大文字になっていることからもわかるように, 英国における憲政の歴史のことを言っている。)。これには非常に興味を持ち,今日にいたってもなお彼女が教えてくれた多くのことを記憶している。




写真:ラッセルとアガサおばさん(出典:R. Clark's B. Russell and His World, 1981.)]

My Aunt Agatha was the youngest of the grown-up people at Pembroke Lodge. She was, in fact, only nineteen years older than I was, so when I came there she was twenty-two. During my first years at Pembroke Lodge, she made various attempts to educate me, but without much success. She had three brightly coloured balls, one red, one yellow, and one blue. She would hold up the red ball and say : 'What colour is that ?' and I would say, 'Yellow'. She would then hold it against her canary and say : 'Do you think that it is the same colour as the canary ?' I would say, 'No', but as I did not know the canary was yellow it did not help much. I suppose I must have learned the colours in time, but I can only remember not knowing them. Then she tried to teach me to read, but that was quite beyond me. There was only one word that I ever succeeded in reading so long as she taught me, and that was the word "or." The other words, though equally short, I could never remember.
She must have become discouraged, since shortly before I was five years old I was handed over to a kindergarten, which finally succeeded in teaching me the difficult art of reading.
When I was six or seven she took me in hand again and taught me English Constitutional history. This interested me very much indeed, and I remember to this day much of what she taught me.
I still possess the little book in which I wrote down her questions and answers, both dictated. A few samples will illustrate the point of view.

Q. What did Henry II and Thomas Becket quarrel about?
A. Henry wished to put a stop to the evils which had arisen in consequence of the Bishops having courts of their own, so that the church law was separated from the common law of the land. Becket refused to lessen the power of the Bishops' Courts, but at last he was persuaded to agree to the Constitutions of Clarendon [the provisions of which are then given],

Q. Did Henry II try to improve the government of the country or not?
A. Yes, throughout his busy reign he never forgot his work of reforming the law. The itinerant justices grew in importance, and not only settled money matters in the counties as at first, but heard pleas and judged cases. It is to Henry II's reforms that we owe the first clear beginnings of trial by jury.

The murder of Becket is not mentioned. The execution of Charles I is mentioned, but not blamed.