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ラッセル関係書籍の検索 ラッセルと20世紀の名文に学ぶ-英文味読の真相39 [佐藤ヒロシ]

バートランド・ラッセル自伝 第1巻第1章 - 禁欲的な祖母(松下彰良・訳)- The Autobiography of Bertrand Russell, v.1

前ページ 次ページ 第1巻 第1章(幼少時代)累積版へ 総目次

 祖母の考えることが,性の問題の近くにとどいたことと言えば,まずその程度であった。一度私は,そうした禁じられた問題に祖母が一層近くふれて語ったのを聞いたことがある。即ち,彼女が,「パーマストン卿(Henry John Temple, 3rd Viscount Palmerston, KG, GCB, 1784-1865:19世紀半ばに2度,英国首相を務めた。女たらしで有名らしい)は,あまり善い人ではなかったという事実を通してわかるように,男性の間でも'変わった人'でした」と話した時である。
 ヴィクトリア女王に対する祖母の態度は,遣憾ながら,尊敬にみちた態度からはるかにかけ離れたものであった。(それでも)祖母は,祖母がかつてウィンザー城に招かれて身体の具合があまり良くなかった時,ヴィクトリア女王が親切で愛想よく,「レディ・ラッセル,お坐りになってかまいませんよ。レディ・誰それさん! ラッセル夫人の前にお立ちになってください」と言ってくれた,と楽しげによく語っていた。

動機 (文春文庫) [ 横山 秀夫 ]
価格:693円(税込、送料無料) (2024/12/5時点)

Of psychology in the modern sense, she had, of course, no vestige. Certain motives were known to exist: love of country, public spirit, love of one's children, were laudable motives; love of money, love of power, vanity, were bad motives. Good men acted from good motives always; bad men, however, even the worst, had moments when they were not wholly bad. Marriage was a puzzling institution. It was clearly the duty of husbands and wives to love one another, but it was a duty they ought not to perform too easily, for if sex attraction drew them together there must be something not quite nice about them. Not, of course, that she would have phrased the matter in these terms. What she would have said, and in fact did say, was: 'You know, I never think that the affection of husbands and wives is quite such a good thing as the affection of parents for their children, because there is sometimes something a little selfish about it.' That was as near as her thoughts could come to such a topic as sex. Perhaps once I heard her approach a little nearer to the forbidden topic: that was when she said that Lord Palmerston had been peculiar among men through the fact that he was not quite a good man. She disliked wine, abhorred tobacco, and was always on the verge of becoming a vegetarian. Her life was austere. She ate only the plainest food, breakfasted at eight, and until she reached the age of eighty, never sat in a comfortable chair until after tea. She was completely unworldly, and despised those who thought anything of worldly honours. I regret to say that her attitude to Queen Victoria was far from respectful. She used to relate with much amusement how one time when she was at Windsor and feeling rather ill, the Queen had been graciously pleased to say: 'Lady Russell may sit down. Lady So-and-So shall stand in front of her.'

(掲載日:2006.10.22 /更新日:2010.6.24)