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ラッセル関係書籍の検索 ラッセルと20世紀の名文に学ぶ-英文味読の真相39 [佐藤ヒロシ]

バートランド・ラッセル自伝_第1巻第1章 - 肺炎で苦しむラッセルの父(松下彰良 訳) - The Autobiography of Bertrand Russell, v.1

前ページ 次ページ 第1巻 第1章(幼少時代)累積版 総目次

*右欄上の写真(小型馬車にのるラッセルの両親及びラッセルの兄と姉)出典:R. Clark's Bertrand Russell and His World, c1981.

 (Kate)についての記憶は -母がその場に居合わせていたに違いないときに小馬の曳く小型馬車から(私が)落ちたことを除いて- 私はまったく持っていない。この記憶に誤りはない。なぜならば,長年の間念頭にあり,かなり経ってからそれが事実であることを確かめたからである。



 僕自身は,何の心配もありませんし,ひるむような気持ちさえありません。しかし,僕が遺してゆこうとしている2,3の人たちに対して,特にお母さんに対して,大きな心痛を感じます。苦しみと衰弱のなかでこの手紙を書いていて,僕はお母さんに,お母さんの僕への,-お母さんの愛を受ける価値のある人間ではない時でさえも- 変わらぬそして不動の愛と寛容に対し,深い感謝の念を,このようにまったく不十分な表現で捧げることしかできません。僕が時々無情な人間のように見えることを強いられたことは,とても残念です。僕は,ただ愛情だけを示したいと願っていました。僕は,やりたいと思っていたことをほとんどしていません。しかし,私がやったそのほんの少しのことも悪い種類のものではなかったことを,また,私の人生の一つの大きな仕事が達成されたという感覚とともに死にたいと望みます。僕の二人の愛児について,可能であれば,お母さんが面倒みてくださることを,また子供たちがお母さんを,自分たちの実の母のように思ってくれればよいがと望みます。僕の埋葬は,お母さんもご存知のように,僕の愛するこの森の中の,僕のために前から用意してあったこの美しい場所になされるでしょう。やがてはお母さんもこの同じ場所に埋葬されることはほとんど望むことはできません。しかし,僕はそういうふうに考えることも可能であればと願います。




Of my mother I remember nothing whatever, though I remember falling out of a pony carriage on an occasion when she must have been present. I know that this recollection is genuine, because I verified it at a much later time, after having kept it to myself for a number of years. Of my father I remember only two things: I remember his giving me a page of red print, the colour of which delighted me, and I remember once seeing him in his bath. My parents had themselves buried in the garden at Ravenscroft, but were dug up and transferred to the family vault at Chenies. A few days before his death my father wrote the following letter to his mother.
Wednesday at night

My dear Mama:
You will be glad to hear that I mean to see Radcliffe as soon as I am able - sorry to hear the cause. This is that I have a nasty attack of bronchitis which is likely to keep me in bed some time. Your pencil letter came today, and I was sorry to see that you too were knocked up. Exhausted as I am I may as well write, since I cannot sleep. It would be needless to say that this attack is not dangerous and I do not anticipate danger. But I have had too bitter experience of the rapidity with which illnesses may go to believe in absolute safety, or cry Peace when there is no peace. Both my lungs are inflamed and may grow worse. I beseech you not to telegraph or take any hasty action. We have a nice young Doctor in place of Audland, and for his own sake as just beginning to practise here, he will do all he can for me. I repeat that I expect to recover, but in case of a bad turn I wish to say that I look forward to dying as calmly and unmovedly as 'One who wraps the drapery of his couch/ About him and lies down to pleasant dreams.'
For myself, no anxiety nor even shrinking; but I do feel much pain for a few others whom I should leave, especially you. Writing in pain and weakness I can offer you only this most inadequate expression of my deep sense of your constant and immoveable love and goodness to me, even when I may appear not to have deserved it. It is a great matter of regret to me that I was sometimes compelled to appear harsh; I did not wish to show anything but affection. I have done very little of all I should like to have done, but I hope that little has not been of a bad kind, I should die with the sense that one great work of my life was accomplished. For my two darling boys I hope you would see them much, if possible, and that they might look on you as a mother. The burial you know would be here in my beloved wood and at the beautiful spot already prepared for me. I can hardly hope you would be there, but I wish it were possible to think of it.
Perhaps it is very selfish of me to give the pain of this letter; only I fear another day I might be too weak to write. If I can I shall let you know daily. I also have met with nothing but kindness and gentleness from my dear Papa all my life, for which I am deeply grateful. I do earnestly hope that at the end of his long and noble life he may be spared the pain of losing a son. I can only send my best love to Agatha and Rollo and poor Willy if possible.

Your loving son,