Bertrand Russell Quotes

 道徳的正しさと不道徳とは一緒に取り扱わなければならない。つまり、一方を強調し他方を強調しないでいることは不可能である。それでは,「不道徳」とは,実際何であろうか? それは,実際には,群集によって嫌われる種類の行為である。それを不道徳と呼び さらにその概念を中心に入念な倫理体系を築くことによって,群衆はその嫌悪の対象に罰を加えることを正当化する。・・・。
Righteousness and unrighteousness must be taken together; it is impossible to stress the one without stressing the other also. Now, what is "unrighteousness" in practise? It is in practise behaviour of a kind disliked by the herd. By calling it unrighteousness, and by arranging an elaborate system of ethics around this conception, the herd justifies itself in wreaking punishment upon the objects of its own dislike, ...
The essence of the conception of righteousness, therefore, is to afford an outlet for sadism by cloaking cruelty as justice.
 Source:Bertrand Russell: Has Religion Made Useful Contributions to Civilization? 1930
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 「本日のラッセルの言葉」のなかに出てくる"Righteousness"も"unrighteousness"もわかりにくく、訳しづらい言葉です。そこで、ChatGPT に訳してもらったところ、"Righteousness"も"justice"も「正義」と訳し、"unrighteousness"を「不正義」と訳してしまいました。

The words "Righteousness" and "unrighteousness" that appear in "Today's Words of Russell" are somewhat unclear in meaning and difficult to translate accurately. When I asked ChatGPT to translate them, it rendered both "Righteousness" and "justice" as 「正義」 and translated "unrighteousness" as 「不正義」.

However, this translation diminishes the significance of Russell's choice of the words "Righteousness" and "unrighteousness", making it difficult to grasp the difference in meaning and nuance between them and "justice".

Through dialogue, ChatGPT can refine its translation. After two exchanges, we reached an agreement to translate "Righteousness" as 「道徳的正しさ」, "unrighteousness" as 「不道徳」, and "justice" as 「正義」.
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